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The liberals’ media: Nothing conservatives do is too small to nitpick!

Hi Kate (Wheeler, CTV Newsnet anchor).  And Jacqueline Milczarek (also a CTV Newsnet anchor).  And Don Martin (the National Post—a Canwest paper—columnist).

Aside from the liberal media’s vacuous fixation (because they’ve got nothin’) on George Bush’s mispronunciation of the word nuclear 800 years ago, (hi George Jonas, National Post—a Canwest paper—columnist), this is why I point out some of the many daily misspellings and mispronunciations that the university-trained (mostly at taxpayer expense) media geniuses—reporters and other professional “journalists”—make, every hour, of every day.  Some of them on the state-owned CBC, but many from the various Canwest News Service affiliates.

This dispatch from non-union field reporter and woefully inadequate, untrained, non-elite citizen Maureen:


PM’s office can’t spell Saskatchewan


Canwest News Service
Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Perhaps echoing the saying that Saskatchewan is a province that’s easy to draw and difficult to spell, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s office may not yet know the place to a “t.”

In an advisory detailing Harper’s tour of the SaskPower Boundary Dam Power Station on Tuesday, the name of province was spelled “Saskachewan.”

The spelling was later corrected in the online version of the media advisory.

Oh —it was later corrected.  Oh thank God.

Reader Dave also caught the big news re what I’m calling that whole




thing, and writes in:  “I’m just waiting for Ralph Goodale’s blood to start boiling as he tells us about Harper’s latest sign of disrespect to the people of Saska(t)chewan in this non-story…”

Liberals and their media have clearly got nothing.



EXTRA!  EXTRA!  Read all about it!:


CBC’s Henry Champ says “authentithicated”.  Not a moron.

Liberal Ignatieff misuses a phrase in the House.  Liberals: please set your hair on fire.

Nancy Wilson repeatedly begs the question wrongly

So I’m all like it’s like Conrad Black uses good words?

That’s Greenland, Bill. You have no idea where China is, do you?

How juicy political legends and myths like “Hidden Agenda” are written

National Canadian columnist calls Obama “Osama bin Laden”, on state-owned CBC, then laugh riot

Harper catches Martin in a lie; Joel catches CTV in a pro-Liberal bias

(…and so many more examples…)

Joel Johannesen
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