Friday, May 3, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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State-owned, taxpayer-funded “Crappies” spend tax dollars on political polls in recession

image  Quite apart from my wondering how a state-owned, taxpayer funded media can justify spending taxpayer dollars doing political polling in what I thought was supposed to be a free country (and one in recession and with all its media competitors struggling);  and how a state-owned media doing political polling can possibly be justified as a core function of government (or even a core function of the CBC itself), I wonder how the “Grits” and the “Dipsticks” are doing.  And the Conservatives. 

By the way “Crappies” is now short for CBC, just as “Tories” is short for Conservatives, and, apparently, “Liberals” is short for “Grits”.  Because I say so. 

On “Because I say so”… or as the Crappy Channel’s “no-spin” politics expert Don Newman once said, “because that’s what it’s called”.

Let me start my blog entry over again:  Quite apart from wondering how it is a core function of government to create and then fund a state-owned, socialism-reliant news and entertainment media behemoth at a cost of in excess of one BILLION taxpayer dollars per year plus UNTOLD BILLIONS in additional “creative” “arts” funding to help provide it with its diet of pure crap, and….

I just checked the EKOS web site and EKOS calls them the “Conservatives”.  And the “Liberals”.  So Crappies’ reporting is actually incorrect.  Nowhere does the EKOS document report on “Tories”.


EXTRA SPOT-ON QUOTE BY THE ESTEEMED MR. JOEL JOHANNESEN (or “The Esteemed Mr. Joel Johannesen” for short):
State-owned and state-run media should be banned int his country, and that notion should be enshrined in a constitution.

Joel Johannesen
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