Sunday, April 28, 2024

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Columnists Cinnamon Stillwell and Salim Mansur: rich learning on Islamic terrorism

Cinnamon Stillwell writes an excellent piece (in our Columnist section today) about the London terrorist attacks and, well, reality.  It’s called “The London Conspiracy-Theories: Here We Go Again”.  Here’s a snippet (or two):


At the heart of Al-Jazeera’s denials is a larger issue: the inability of the Muslim World to take responsibility for its own actions.  Whenever terrorism rears its ugly head, blame is laid elsewhere.  Having read the various statements put out by Islamic clerics in the days following the attacks defending them as “blessed acts“ and “just desserts” for their enemies, it would seem that the shoe fits.  Not to mention the usual celebrating among the Palestinians whenever Westerners are slaughtered indiscriminately.  But, of course, the London suicide bombers couldn’t have been Muslims.  As the director of London’s Al-Maqreze Centre for Historical Studies Dr. Hani Al-Siba’i put it: “We do not rule out the possibility that it was done by the intelligence agency of another Western country hostile to Britain…or some Zionist Americans who wanted to overshadow the G-8 summit.”

And I like this paragraph segment so much I wanted to highlight it too:

Having been inculcated all their lives with the belief that the United States and Israel are responsible for all that’s wrong with the world, they’re simply incapable of grasping the truth.  How long these people can continue their delusions is unknown, but something tells me that a great number of them will simply have to be written off as functionally insane while the rest of us attend to the business of fighting Islamic terrorism.

It’s a great read.

Also today in our Columnist section, Salim Mansur, coincidentally, takes a view which is complimentary to Cinnamon Stillwell’s view in “The myth of the ‘moderate’ Muslim”. It is sure to stir up a bit of heat. 


Instead of witnessing “moderate” Muslims resolutely taking back their faith-tradition from extremists and murderers, the world has grown numb to endless apologetics and polemics explaining away “jihadi” politics as a misguided, though inexcusable, response to the wrongs inflicted upon Muslims by the West.

He then goes on to explain, as few can, the inner workings of the Muslim world and how talk of Islamic “moderation” is ephemeral (my word) at best.

Joel Johannesen
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