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CBC Catholic hate league spew hate immediately upon mention of Pope -UPDATED

CBC/ca reports story about Pope visiting Australia, and before you can say “Amen”, the often rabidly atheist, radical extremist CBC kids are all over it with their hate speech comments, which as I’ve documented here in the past week or so, the CBC condones by approving.  Even after reporting the comments to the CBC as “abusive hate speech”, the CBC chooses to let them remain. 

Davebo wrote:
Posted 2008/07/11 at 10:41 AM ET

Wow – that’s a bunch of Catholics in one place. Make sure your children are properly supervised – don’t let them out of your sight!

As another CBC commenter (wild prediction: he will get his butt absolutely hammered by the CBC’s far-left hate gang in no time flat) wrote:

SageMaster wrote:
Posted 2008/07/11 at 11:28 AM ET

… If a group from a racial minority were gathering, and someone said “oh, better hide the silverware”, then that would be consider racist hate speech. My question is – why are Catholics fair game?

Answer: because that’s what the anti-Christian liberal-left and far-left mob rule in Canada has decided.  As depicted on their very own media, the state-owned CBC.  On your dime. 

Vote liberal.  Or Conservative.  Hell vote for any party in Canada.  They all support this.

But don’t get up. 


The same “Davebo” who wrote the above noted hate (at 10:41 AM), wrote this just now:

Davebo wrote:
Posted 2008/07/11 at 11:51 AM ET

To SageMaster

Of course I know what hate speech is….

I’d hate to have my children abused
I hate that catholics turn a blind eye
I hate the evil the catholic church has perpetuated
I hate the mulitple genocides caused by the catholic church
I hate the 800 years we missed caused by the catholics dark ages.

Is that enough hate for you? You catholics have nothing but hate in your veins, it seems. I despise all religions, but yours and one other really takes the cake…


First comment (the 10:41 AM comment) by “Davebo” removed by moderator, after I reported it to them and blogged about it here.  His later (11:51 AM) explanation of his particular brand of hate remains. As do other commenters’ direct quoted references to it. 



The second hate speech entry (the one at 11:51 AM as seen above) by “Davebo” has now been removed after I reported it to the CBC and blogged about it here.


Why do they approve them in the first place?  The CBC web site says:  “Please note that comments are pre-moderated/reviewed and published according to our submission guidelines.”.  So I guess if they get away with the rabid extremist hate speech, great.  If someone complains and blogs about it, exposing the hate on their site, then darn the luck, they feel compelled to remove some of the entries.  .


Left on left action:  “Davebo” bitch-slaps his usual ally, the CBC moderator, who has apparently stunned him by removing his hate speech for once.  He writes:

Davebo wrote:
Posted 2008/07/11 at 12:02 AM ET

Wow – post a public service announcement, and get your comment removed.

I guess we’re just supposed to unconditionally trust the catholic church – what could go wrong with that, eh? Surely they only have what’s best for us in mind… lol

I still recommend my original sentiment, which you can find quoted elsewhere….

And of course he’s right.  His original hate speech is quoted by others as I said above, and those posts aren’t deleted. 




Joel Johannesen
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