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Canadian media firm Quebecor seeks conservative-tolerant news channel license

I mused about this a long time ago, back in 2005 (here and here — back when I was an even worse writer), after Fox News Channel was finally unbanned in Canada by the liberals’ CRTC division, under enormous pressure from the likes of me and people like me, PTBC, and our fellow readers.  Fox News Channel is currently the best channel available in Canada. 

I was on a different tangent back then as corporate mergers were shaping up, but it involved the only likely candidate I could find — Quebecor — eventually making an attempt to start their own Fox News Channel-style news network. 

Now, the Globe and Mail and the Toronto Star are freaking out reporting on this very possibility.  And of course the state-owned CBC is also addressing the issue — it’s in their “Consumer Life” section!  Oh dear. 

•  Quebecor eyes Fox News-style TV for Canada

•  Fox News North? Former Harper spokesman joins QMI bid for all-news network

The state-owned CBC failed to mention “Fox News Channel” in their headline of course.  It gives them the heebee-jeebees.
•  Former PM aide joins bid for news network  (CBC’s sisters at the state-owned CBC/National Post News and Advertising Cooperative division isn’t covering the story today.  One story is enough!) 


There is just too much tolerance and open-mindedness amongst the CBC fanboy comments to list them all here, but this first one is funny because it unwittingly admits “we” don’t even need their sacred CBC.  Just the same, he would like our government regulator of what we’re allowed to watch on TV — the CRTC — to officially cleanse our nation of any non-socialism-reliant news channels, including even the privately-owned liberalvision station, CTV.

NewfyNeil wrote:
Here in Canada we don’t need some right wing clown channel to tell us how it is, we can figure that out for ourself. I say reject the proposal and flush ctv newsnet down the drain with it.

One CBC’er reflexively thought of our Ann Coulter, like this —using that no-need-to-explain-further —style, as if it’s more than self-evident enough to stand on its own as vile and disgusting:

Middle of the Road wrote:
With guest commentator Anne Coulter.

It only took me 14 seconds to find the first far-leftist CBC fanboy Idiot du Jour, who (a) doesn’t realize that Nazis are leftists/socialists; and (b) can’t resist baselessly calling all people with whom he disagrees “Nazis.”  And of course the CBC moderators APPROVE it, as usual.

soxaphone player wrote:
All part of the Harper regime’s master plan based on Mein Kampf.

One fan is in deep, (sad! — no sorry:  “sad, sad”!) emotionally “disturbing” distress.  I mean deep.  Deeply disturbed that conservative thoughts and ideas might possibly leak out into society, opening minds to an alternative point of view… in Canada… imagine the horrible… tolerance… that would be required….

Halifaxsampson wrote:
…The news that a “Fox News” clone may come to Canada is very disturbing. An ultra right-wing propaganda machine will not dispense “fair & balanced” reporting.It will appeal only to those who need ratification of their own right-wing views.It will not open dialogue but close it. We do not need a further polarization of political opinion to emerge in Canada.

This is a sad,sad day.

As is almost always the case in my experience, no CBC fan has ever watched Fox News Channel, but they’re absolute experts on it.  This comment proves my point:

RoyCinToronto wrote:
We already have Fox News Canada – it’s called CTV News Channel.

Here’s another one who conflates the very best historic example of extreme left-wing, socialist fascists (Hitler, Musolini, etc), with conservatives, making him the far-left extremist Idiot du Jour #2:

Major Tom wrote:
It’s always a swell idea to blur the line between political parties and media outlets. It worked wonders for Bush Jr. – just like it worked wonders for Goebbels and Franco and Mussolini – and just look at all the great stuff that happened because of them…

Here’s a prime example of what happens when a country only has far-left and left-wing liberal/progressive media and academia.  Pure far-left bigoty and hate, which they feel perfectly comfortable expressing openly —on a state-owned, state-run, moderated news media web site, and with good reason:  APPROVED by the state-owned CBC!:

jbroderi wrote:
It’ll never fly. There aren’t enough dumb, redneck, racist hillbillies in Canada for this type of thing to fly. Thre are a lot, don’t get me wrong, just not quite enough for a Fox style news station.

Here’s Idiot du Jour #3 who thinks the socialist Nazis were “right-wing”, and has an ever so earnest, intellectually honest and sane warning for our own country:

backdoor wrote:
I think that it was Goebbels who had cheap German radios made so that everyone in Germany could listen to the propaganda over the radio waves….it worked for them …for a while.

This one thinks we are of a superior race to the Americans, who are a stupid people… owing to, um, the weather.  We a superior race.  Huh.  But “we’re” not “Nazis”.  Weird, huh?

theodore1 wrote:
FOX went after the lowest common denominator in viewership and they got it. Unfortunately our society is more numerous on the not so brightside. Is Canada this way? No. What does make us a little smarter than our cousins south of the border is our weather.

Idiot du Jour #4

Creedence01 wrote:
Next move after this….Burn all of the books and replace them with PROPAGANDA. HEIL HARPER.

Here’s one of the CBC’s many nurtured COMMUNISTS (I highlighted the yummy bit):

Russell Soliton wrote:
The Selfservatives want their own media outlet to ensure that their “real message” gets out to the people. This is frightening. The private ownership of all media should be banned. Instead, groups from all areas of society should have equal access to newspaper, radio and television outlets. Those groups collectively should decide what rules need be applied to ensure honesty, integrity, no defamation of others, etc. Free speech can only exist if we all have equal access to it. With the high concentration of private ownership Canadian media is not impartial; we hear the voices of the corporate owners. We need to be able to hear the voices of the people.

Idiot du Jour #5:

Wild Otter wrote:
Just what we all need, a fascist broadcast network.

AND BUSH DID 9/11!  Submitted by “demsoc” (which I think stands for democratic socialist)

demsoc wrote:
Could you imagine a network showing “Fuzzy Blue” 24/7 with some excerpts, all properly edited, of the puppets? Look, there’s wee Jimmy speaking about the last budget. What language is that? Hey, Baird’s perma-scowl has magically disappeared. Clement’s lips are out of sync to the dialogue, gosh it isn’t even his voice. Harper looks as if he’s lost weight. But, on a more positive note, that might reduce the number of paid CPC posters on this site.

All this and so much more on the state-owned CBC news and other media web site.

Joel Johannesen
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