Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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CTV forgets to tell us their “expert” is from a far-left wing agitprop and political advocacy group

image - CTV's guest expert is Brian Katulis from left-wing Center for American ProgressThe liberalvision CTV Newsnet—a division of Canada’s liberal-left—through its Kate Wheeler at the anchor desk—just resorted to presenting a guest “expert” from the Center for American Progress, to inform Canadians about President Bush’s remarks in Israel today. 

However the ever so fair and balanced and agendaless CTV didn’t bother to inform us that the Center for American Progress is a nothing but a very well-known (in America) left-wing advocacy outfit whose very reason for living is to bash anything any conservative or Republican ever thinks or says publicly—and they sometimes do it with extreme bombast and vitriol. 

Nor did they inform us that it was funded by the very far-left agitprop and sugar daddy, the multi-billionaire George image  - the expert's Huffington Post web pageSoros, who funds nearly every far-left, anti-conservative cause in the West, as his apparent goal in life is to turn the free-market capitalist world into a big global socialist Utopia. 

I do realize that would make for a long intro.  Maybe just “far-left-wing”? 

The mission of the Center for American Progress is described by themselves as:

•  developing a long term vision of a progressive America,
•  providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals,
•  responding effectively and rapidly to conservative proposals with a thoughtful critique and clear alternatives, and
•  communicating progressive messages to the American public.

As we know, if liberalvision ever secures the viewpoint of a good conservative, which itself is extremely rare, viewers are often warned under no uncertain terms, that we should take everything they say with a haYUGE grain of salt, inasmuch as they are, alas, conservative

Kate Wheeler introduced the leftist this way:

“Brian Katulis is from the Center for American Progress—he examines American security policy in the Middle East.”

And that was that.  No label.  No warning.  We are to assume he’s middle of the road.  An Expert.  Objective.  But shockingly, the expert gratuitously bashed President Bush and all Republicans, and spoke extremely highly of The Great Obama.  It was all about bashing Bush and Republicans.  That was his expert take on the thing.

CTV misinformed you through omission of extremely important facts.  And not informing you, informs you. And they know it.

(Oh and of course at above left is his page from the very far-left, Bush-hating, rabidly anti-conservative, atheist, socialist agitprop web site, the Huffington Post.  Both CBC and CTV secure on-air experts with Huffington Post pages, which they never tell you about). 

P.S. Next story on liberalivision:  The polar bear story.  The Americans added the polar bear to the “threatened” list.  CTV Expert: a Liberal Party expert, MP David McGuinty (“environment critic” expert), and his expert opinion on this and his take on Canada’s delay in adding the bear to the list, and how bad the Harper Conservative government is, for that and for oh so many other reasons. 

At least when they ask a Liberal Party expert, they can’t avoid calling him a Liberal.  (With a few exceptions…)

Joel Johannesen
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