Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Why, that thar’s a Republican! Shoot ’im!

Prime Minister Harper says his Conservatives would continue their effort to firm-up law and order in Canada, which of course liberals and the left are dead set against, because they’re weak on crime and law and order matters.  Under current law, young offenders under 18 cannot be named by media in most circumstances.  The Harper Conservatives would change that.  “Of course offenders have rights but we believe those rights must be balanced with responsibilities and that victims have rights too,” he said. 

Responsibilities?  Well that ain’t liberal.  Blasphemy! 

Meanwhile, liberals think the age of sexual consent was too high at age 14. 

—Pausing while liberals have a smoke.—

Liberals and the left all think victims are victims, criminals are victims; and moreover that all criminals should be “re-introduced into society”, and “rehabilitated”—not punished—and of course molly-coddled and hugged and put on social programs paid for with your money because you’ve been very, very bad. 

As if on cue, the state-run CBC racked-up their news footage clip of the far-leftist Bloc head and Nation Of Quebec Premier Ministre de les Grande Villes Francais et le Cirque du Soleil, le très Honorable Gilles Duceppe, socialist Bush hater, as he summarily informed Canadians this morning that “it’s a Republican idea.” 

Of course he says it the way all liberals say things like that—that it’s automatically agreed and perceived as a horrible insult.  Reporters dutifully write it down.  “Republican”

Clip over.

Meanwhile, is taking an online poll (I added the smiley) :

Should youth found guilty of serious crimes be named publicly upon conviction?
Yes, all of them 77%
Maybe just those 16 and older 17%
No, a kid is a kid 7%
This is not a scientific poll image - smiley

(Hat tip to Maureen)
CTV article.



Joel Johannesen
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