Friday, May 3, 2024

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Who’s got the remote? The liberal-left socialist culture daddies.

Liberals and the liberal-left want to prevent you from watching what you want on TV.  They want their big know-it-all government and their leftist bureaucrats to decide for you.  You know, like in Cuba, China, and North Korea.  Never mind that whole “True North Strong and Free” and “God Keep Our Land Glorious and Free” canard.  That’s just a song, silly!

For example, here’s a paragraph from a story related to news on this topic today from an obviously very far left-wing socialist-thinking organization:

The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television, and Radio Artists said a free market system with more foreign ownership could be a setback for Canadian culture.

Any time an organization says things like that—decries the free market— you’re dealing with an overtly far left-wing socialist organization by definition, and one that wants to limit your freedom and control your mind.  And they want “the Canadian culture” to be socialist or Marxist, otherwise it’s a “setback”.

Liberals are in favor of that.  Conservatives are not. 

You can’t watch what you want on TV.  It is not a free market in Canada.  The Canadian government decides which channels you will be allowed to watch, and which ones you will not be allowed to watch.  Same with radio.  And they want to decide who owns what too.  If you’re American, you’re out with them.  They’re anti-American.  (Except for Al Gore and every left-wing liberal Democrat.)

Naturally, they prefer the more communist model in which the state owns the news and broadcast media, and I know I’m right about that since otherwise, they’d be fighting for the dismantling of it—the state-run state-owned CBC.  But they aren’t.  They’re always fighting for more state funding of it so it can grow and get even bigger and more bloated and so they can create more left-wing propaganda and compete against private enterprising Canadians who are trying to compete against their own state.

Liberals think that like in Cuba and North Korea, the government must control the culture.  They and their genius leftist bureaucrats will decide what Canadian culture is, then invoke rules and policies and laws and censorship and market protections and subsidies and cash payouts to ensure that what they want you to see, you will see, and what they don’t want you to see, you will not.  Thus for example, by law, all Canadians must be provided with the state-run liberal-left CBC television by their private cable and satellite providers, and similarly the state-run news media CBC Newsworld must, by law, be made available to cable and satellite subscribers.  On the other hand, many channels are banned. 

For example, until November of 2004, Fox News Channel was banned in Canada.  It was only allowed in Canada’s Parliament buildings.  You stupidheads were not allowed to subscribe to it. 

I am among those who believe that it was only after enormous pressure from the likes of yours truly, that Fox News Channel, the most popular cable news network in the United States because it is by far the best, is now allowed to be viewed in Canada.  Of course the state censor, the CRTC, had to allow al-Jazeera into Canada first —before Fox News Channel— but that’s living’ in liberal-left Canada!

All of that was just a backdrop to the story I already quoted from above (hat tip conservativegal):

Tories open to foreign airwaves

Radio, TV ownership 

Mike De Souza, CanWest News Service
Published: Friday, April 28, 2006

OTTAWA – The Conservative government is opening a door for more foreign companies to buy Canadian radio and television stations.

Industry Minister Maxime Bernier has been reviewing recent recommendations of a government-appointed panel that suggested regulators should back away from the telecommunications sector and allow market forces to prevail. But he has insisted he’s in no rush to follow through on the proposal to allow more foreign ownership of telecom companies and broadcasters without a proper review that goes through Parliament.

“For all modifications to Canadian regulations on foreign ownership in the country, the industry minister has been clear,” said Mr. Bernier’s spokeswoman, Isabelle Fontaine. “It will be subject to a process that’s transparent.”

However, before the report was even released, Mr. Bernier said he was open to dropping restrictions on foreign ownership in telecommunications. The panel itself was supposed to focus on phone companies in the telecom industry, but it went beyond its mandate and recommended a full review of Canada’s broadcast industry when it tabled its report last month.  […]

The liberal-left government-created culture-nuts fear that if Americans were allowed to buy Canadian stations, then Canadians would be subject to their culture.  They think this is a bad thing, because the liberal-left did not create, nor does it control American culture.  Plus, then they couldn’t control Canadians and their culture.  It’s a horrible scenario for the left, this loss of control over the minds of free citizens. 

Some liberal-leftists have been heard to say “Reagan be damned!  Build a ha-YUGE wall between Canada and the stinky U.S.!”

All of that notwithstanding, Canadians choose on their own volition to watch American shows rather than anything made in Canada—with the exception of news, which they choose to watch on the privately-owned Canadian networks rather than the state-run news media.  Rarely if ever does a Canadian-made TV show crack the top-20 of shows watched in any given ratings period (a regular exception to this rule is a CTV network show called Corner Gas).  As a general rule, no CBC-created shows crack the top-20.  Canadians obviously don’t like them, preferring the fare offered by the American networks. 

Liberals and the liberal-left want to prevent you from watching what you want.

Vote liberal.

Oh yeah and death to America.

Joel Johannesen
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