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Thursday Newsquips

Newsquips daily briefing….. Newsquips are updated throughout the day.  Reload the page throughout the day like Liberals reload their pie holes with partisan rhetoric, like when they say things like Harper is all partisan ‘n stuff!, over and over… 

1.   Talk down to me baby!—  State-owned, state-funded highly worse-than-useless government media and left-wing propaganda behemoth CBC’s anchor talking about being “fiscally prudent”?!  Surely you jest, Joel!  No!  No, it actually happened.  Oh not with regard to federal or provincial budgetary matters, no no.  On the topic of YOU being frugal “in these tough economic times” with your daily food budget. In your home. image In Canada.  Owing to the recession that they’re talking us into.  Yes it’s their how to feed yourself, you dumb canooks segment.  Because only the government can teach us dumb-asses how to eat.  They know best. (“Boiling —unless you’re having SOUP—you should stay away from!”)  …  They think you’re totally stupid.  And besides, Tory times is tough times, dontchaknow. 

CBC eating expert: …Boiling unless you’re having soup—you should stay away from. 

CBC “news” anchor: OK what about fresh produce—if you’re trying to be fiscally prudent, but ya do like yer fresh produce, even in winter, so whatduya recommend?

CBC eating expert: Well I mean there’s always apples and bananas that are great standbys and inexpensive but right now clementines I mean you can get a whole case of clementines and they’re so delicious!

2.  ONLY THE GOVERNMENT CAN SAVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.  It’s “progressive”.  Please get this straight Canada. And the bigger the government, the smarter they are.  Therefore the United Nations—that’s the “peacekeeping” organization that like all government has grown—and now thinks it is the world government—has a division called UNICEF that monitors whether or not Canadian parents like you are doing an adequate job of looking after your own children, and whether or not Canada is sufficiently socialist yet, and ensuring that abortion is broadly available here and worldwide (it’s for the kids!).  UNICEF has come out with a report saying that Canada is the worst in the whole world in looking after our children.  Well it’s so obvious.  And socialist countries are the best.  Duh.  For example, socialist countries have state-owned, state-run, taxpayer-funded childcare (and “early learning” —wink!) social programs, AND taxpayer-funded abortions.  So their kid management technique is fully skookum with the UN gov. 

3.    Harper now also has to lead the Liberal Party?  Can’t they just finally get a leader?  Michael Ignatieff yesterday“I can only represent the interests of the Liberal party, not other parties, and I’m going to listen to Mr. Harper as the leader of my party, not the leader of any other party.”  …  OK… HUH?  I understood Liberal Frenchman Dion vree good better

image  4. It’s Happy-Tree Festivus Time!  Happy Happy-Tree Festivus! Typical story on liberal-left media about liberal-left matters of total lunacy and liberal-left political correctness run amok, and of course a dash of moonbattery and secular-progressive idiocy:  (It’s from!)

Two days after winning a majority government, Quebec Premier Jean Charest’s Liberals have apparently become embroiled in their first debate — what to call the festive tree on the legislature lawn.

On Tuesday, Charest’s office sent out a news release announcing the premier was going to “light the Christmas tree” the next day. But 10 minutes later, that bulletin was followed up with “a slight modification.”

It said Charest would “light the holiday tree” on Wednesday. The word “Christmas” was gone.

The Liberal caucus, meeting for the first time since Monday’s election, appeared split over what to call the tree.

“We must respect culture, we must be open to the world,” said Natural Resources Minister Claude Béchard. “We are an inclusive society here in Quebec. For me, it’s a Christmas tree but to others it’s a holiday tree.

“The goal of the government is to bring together as many people as possible.”

I like that part where it says “The word ‘Christmas’ was gone”.  It’s funny because it’s true.  And because that’s precisely what the, um, liberal-left media and liberal-left matters of total lunacy and liberal-left political correctness run amok, and of course a dash of moonbattery and secular-progressive idiocy set —are all about. 

5. Chretien/Martin/Castro Liberals—BROKE THE LAW.  They decided Parliament wasn’t really all that necessary in deciding how to raise or spend our tax money.  This, in direct contradiction to our constitution, our democracy, our Parliament, our laws.  Huh.  Well that’s odd.  …  mmmAnyway, therefore, their state-owned CBC division headlines their spin on it fanciful story news article about it with this:  “Government had right to spend EI surplus on programs, deficit: top court”, and then tries to explain how their Liberals were imageA-OK, Jack!  … Other media had different ideas:  CTV: “Top court says Ottawa broke law in financing EI”The Globe and Mail said “Ottawa broke law in financing EI” said “Top court says Ottawa broke law in financing EI”;  Over at they said same thing using the same story: “Top court says Ottawa broke law in financing EI”; and so on.  (The National Post agrees the Court “sided with the government”.)

The fact is, the Liberals’ Supreme Court of Canada division did largely side with their yummy government inasmuch as it’s OK, according to the geniuses, for the gov to raise or spend the taxpayers’ mandatory “employment insurance premiums” on anything they want, like, say, the CBC division (which, to my mind, constitutes nothing less than outright fraud—but I defer to my betters at the Liberals’ Supreme Court division because they — and the “human rights” commissions — know best about everything concerning what’s good for us).  But it’s not OK to set “employment insurance premiums” (which the Court tacitly if begrudgingly admit are actually in fact “taxation”) rates — without passing the rates through the Parliament, since it would otherwise be “taxation without representation”, which would be unconstitutional.  …  Hey: did somebody in the media think of asking the Dion/Ignatieff/Rae/Layton/Duceppe/Castro coalition of kooks coup cabal about this “democracy” and “Parliament” caper?  (I’m sure the only time we’ll be reminded by the media that Iggy was not in Canada for much of the past 35 years is in times like these…)

6.  Newsquip #6 started out as another CBC episodic rant, but expanded

7.   The epitome of an unwittingly spot-on description in a banner.  After finally digesting the bit of CBC gristle I chewed-up in Newsquip #6, I spit this out.  COUNT THE “BAD POLITICAL APPLES” IN THIS SCENE:


8.   Favorite headline of the day —the headline on an editorial column at the Wall Street Journal’s by Christopher Cox: “We Need a Bailout Exit Strategy”.. with the sub-head—“Let’s not forget that free markets made America strong.”  …  Say this to a liberal and watch him freak out. 

9. Rush pearls:  “To inoculate Obama from accusations of wrongdoing by Blagojevich, the media preemptively declares that Blogo is nuts, a ‘sociopath;’ and smear Mrs. Blogo as a slut. It’s Clinton’s nuts-n-sluts defense!”  … includes this link for a CBS News article:  “Some Question Blagojevich’s Mental Health”

10. Our dishwasher’s lower wash arm has stopped spinning rendering our dishwasher a useless piece of junk.  I’m thinking of being the third person in North America declaring that “the spin stops here”.  First was Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly and his O’Reilly Factor (which is not useless at all).  Then the CBC Newsworld’s spinny liberal-left spin-fest called “Politics” with Don (NAFTA-GATE is “what it’s called!”) Newman copied him (and it too is a useless piece of junk though she spins like a top!). 

And now the spin stops… at our house too. 



Joel Johannesen
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