Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Salim Mansur’s newest column is posted. Can you say “doozy”?

Immigration in this country is another liberal-left foray into prostitution.  I know, this is a confusing statement.

We know that the Liberals’ Immigration division had a special government program to bring prostitutes and strippers into Canada under the minister Judy Sgro, pizza-eater.  That blew up in their faces and then of course all Canadians forgave them for that because Canadians are by and large pantywaists and will forgive the Liberal Party for absolutely anything as long as the immigration minister—or any minister—occasionally resigns for a while before they’re appointed to the Senate division of the Liberal Party, or to the CBC division of the Liberal Party. 

And all the Liberal Party love will continue as the liberal media and teachers in the schools and universities and other marketing wings of the Liberal Party continue to teach us that liberal=good, conservative=bad, like the good Fabian socialists/Marxists that most of them are. 

Then there’s the confusion over the fact that the Liberal-Left in this country is in favor of legalizing prostitution.  Was that connected to the immigration policy and program to import pole dancers?  Don’t know.  I would think so.  Why else would a nation make a conscious concerted effort to import strippers and hookers rather than, say, doctors, carpenters, entrepreneurs, and sundry capitalists? 

All well-read, informed people know that the Liberals don’t care about people of different colors and races and “multiculturalism” and their legally-mandated “mosaic”.  They only care about votes to maintain their power so they can continue their Fabian socialism until this baby called “Canada” becomes a bastion of people fully dependent on the state (the Liberal Party)—if it isn’t already. 

Yes go ahead and scratch that—it already is for sure.  The immigrants are, yes, you guessed it, prostitutes in the minds of liberals not unlike Quebecers, NDPers, pot-smokers, abortionists, environmentalists, and regular prostitutes (again, only in the minds of liberals.  Well actually to be clear, prostitutes are prostitutes and abortionists are no better, nor are NDPers since they promote both).  Liberals bring ‘em in, the immigrants feel they owe them for it, liberals promise more immigrants, they get hooked, it’s a love-in.  Rinse, repeat, until it builds on itself and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The liberals will now begin writing hate-filled emails claiming that I’m intolerant and that I’m a racist and a bigot without knowing a single thing about me or my family or my history or my friends.  They will also include the names “Bush”, “Halliburton”, “Iraq”, and duh, “Hitler”.  Of course those liberals are patently wrong as usual.  They’re liars.  Hypocrits.  Bigots themselves.  They’re engaging in psychological projection.  Sensible people see that.

They should read our columnist Salim Mansur’s column first.  He’s a non-whitey, in case you didn’t notice.  Here’s a snipett:


An unstated proposition of recent Canadian politics is that ethnic voters help the Liberals hold onto power as the country’s natural governing party.

In other words, as Canadian politics became increasingly regional, or fragmented, without any one political party being able to reach across the country and provide a common vision shared by most Canadians, ethnic voters in Ontario came to represent the difference between the Liberal party being in office or in opposition.

Most political observers recognize this unspoken reality, but will not address it directly for fear of being branded bigots. The situation is rapidly reaching a point where the country’s interests might be subverted because of the suffocating hold of political correctness.

Read the rest, liberals, in our Columnist section.

Joel Johannesen
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