A good man, Tony Snow, succumbed to his colon cancer at age 53.
He is survived by his wife, Jill Ellen Walker, whom he married in 1987, and three young children.
As we’ve learned to expect from the state-owned CBC, because he wasn’t a Marxist and he worked for President Bush, the CBC.ca kids (its readers and commenters) pounce on his dead body and jump up and down on it like apes. They can’t show even the slightest respect—no, not even for the cancer dead. I hope his children don’t visit CBC.ca—or any children, ever.
And the CBC approves the comments.
• “…However, as a Fox News talking head, as a Bush administration apologist, he was about as regressive as they come. He should really have chosen a better line of work.”
• “If they weren’t so terrified of socialized healthcare he’d probably still be alive. “
• “Redemption. Did he sign up for it. He’s in a long line of water boarding torturists, refugee makers, and liars,”
• “Respect for the living is a much higher priority. The Bush administration and their flacks and liars have willfully and shamelessly caused the deaths of untold thousands of their own citizens and many many more of innocent civilians in the middle east.”
• “…We can all hate FOX and the Bush Regime, what they have done and what they have not – maybe this is the best exit strategy?”
• “Sorry Tanuss – there’s no pass cards for a quisling, not even in death.”
• “… If Mr. Snow did not want his life to be judged he shouldn’t have made a living judging others, and apologizing for atrocities.”
• “Tanuss: anyone who condones murder at the highest level of government doesn’t deserve my sympathy they deserve my contempt. Get a life and start a reading course would you. Another friggin cry baby like Frum et al. Supporting an illegal war and countless dead, souls on their hands. Yes….. may he rest in peace, but along the way to nirvana or wherever I hope he meets the souls of those he condemned by supporting this administration in such a demonstratable fashion.”
• “Not all of the dead deserve respect. Snow was a disgrace to democracy, journalism and humanity.”
[A hater named “carlbailey” wrote this on our CBC web site, which the CBC approved in our national interest. —ed :]
i’ve read some of your postings.
the only reason you are shedding crocodile tears for this dead man is because you saw his face, knew his name, and listened to his voice as it babbled off scripted words and blurted the occasional glimpse into a sociopathic administration populated by greed soaked psychopaths.
do you feel the men, women, and children of iraq, afghanistan, somalia, the balkans panama, vietnam, etc., etc., who have been killed on down throughout the years of successive administrations bound and determined to display american power and ideals through bombs, missiles and invasion are deserving of enough respect for us to stop terrorising them, or is your ‘respect’ for the dead limited to a televised face that lied to you?
he got what we all have coming.
the puerile little mouthpiece is dead.
he earned no respect while alive.
he gets none now that he’s a skin bag full of toxic preservatives.”
[I sure hope children never visit CBC.ca—particularly Tony Snow’s children. —ed]
• “53….I thought they said we live long in this day and age. Guess our corporate controlled food supply isn’t so good for us after all. Gota go check my garden…”
• “Looks like he found out too much !”
• “Snow was condescending, evasive and equivocating; all the makings of a successful press secretary.”
See PTBC category “CBC.ca Reader Comments” for more examples of their
uniformly barbaric intolerance and hate
famous liberal-left “compassion” and “tolerance”.
If you must read Canadian coverage of Tony Snow’s passing, see CTV coverage instead. They show respect.
EXTRA—Compare and Contrast:
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm