Friday, April 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Rebecca Hagelin: It’s NOT all about you!; Paul Jackson: It’s about YOU!

In our Columnist section today, we have Rebecca Hagelin who writes this week about a book that speaks to issues close to her heart—children and families. 

(Memo to Preston Manning:  Rebecca Hagelin is a Vice President of the enormously successful, influential, and conservative-educational and advocacy group, the Heritage Foundation in the U.S., and is one of this site’s good friends.  Call me sometime, Mr. Manning—I’m sure to take your call if I can remember who you are!  I’m kidding—you’re clearly far more important than me as you know, and obviously she would take your call if you called her for help with your project…)

Here’s a snippet from this week’s column:


[…] So how can parents improve their chances of raising a hero? They can start, Betsy [Betsy Hart in her new book, It Takes a Parent] says, by recognizing that they have authority simply because they’re parents. They don’t have to plead with their children to behave. They should make it clear (from a very young age) that they expect to be minded. Sometimes this means (brace yourself, modern parents) saying a well-considered “no” and sticking to it. Despite what many parenting “experts” will say, your child won’t be scarred for life. Indeed, he’ll be much better off. If you really love him, you’re more concerned with shaping his character than with winning a popularity contest.

Having the guts to say “no” when appropriate is also a good way to save your children from what Betsy calls the “It’s All About Me” culture that surrounds us. Far too many parents enthrone their children and constantly reinforce the notion that the world revolves around them. In the process, they create monsters who are a terror not only to others but to themselves, if the rising rates of depression are any indication. […]

Meanwhile Paul Jackson looks out for YOU, citizen.  (Memo to Preston:  Ignore this column—it’s about Alberta!) And somebody needs to look out for you if the politicians who are elected into office by YOU decide to ignore—at their peril—you and your family’s needs and the importance of plain folks—like YOU and me! 


[…] If average families aren’t going to benefit from gushing oil wealth, what’s the point of that wealth?

Being able to afford a ticket to a comedy, or a movie, or buying necessities for the kids is a lot more relevant to most than filling in an extra pothole. […]

Joel Johannesen
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