Sunday, May 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Obama the uniter insults half the country, repeating same lines at least 20 times…

…regurgitating a ridiculous bit of liberal-left psychological projection.  He claims Republicans in Congress (and presumably all folks who vote that way) have been (and sorry I can’t mimic in print his massively over-exaggerated and purposely insulting, swaggerous tone, as he verbalizes this line) “fanning themselves, sippin’ on a Slurpee,” sometimes adding “or a latté.”

Now I don’t know about the rest of you conservatives, but it strikes me that the latté “sippin’” crowd is exactly NOT conservatives, it’s practically the very stereotype of a liberal.  So where is he getting this?  (See below for a possible answer).

Moreover, note the amazingly insulting tone with which he speaks of half of America.  What a dismissive, pompous, arrogant, insulting, divisive ass.  Yes, those words are my spot-on accurate words used, reluctantly, to describe the President of the United States, who as we can see in this video compilation, is acting like anything BUT, even if I do allow for campaign fervor. 

What a uniter.

But he does this sort of thing all the time.  He projects what we on the right side know are clearly and nearly exclusively liberal-left habits, fetishes, phobias, obsessions, mistakes, onto conservatives and Republicans.  Somehow conservatives were and are the ones who bailed “the big banks” and “Wall Street” out?  It wasn’t progressives like him?  Somehow special interests and lobbyists are a conservative thing, notwithstanding his historic subservience to labor unions and socialist groups and other lobbyists?  Somehow big corporations fund Republicans, even though the actual fact is that big corporate money literally buys Obama and Democrats by the crate — not so much for Republicans. 

Progressives do and have done this for decades.  Hitler, notwithstanding his love of socialism and total government control and fascism and his hatred of Christians and Jews and all religion and freedom, has become a standard “right-wing” figure, somehow.  And then that “fascism” thing itself is somehow, in a crazy parallel universe, exemplary of the “right-wing” folks, even though all the modern examples of fascism are predominantly left-wing/socialists like Hitler and Mussolini.  If you ask liberals (or any student at any school —or any teacher), the KKK is associated with Republicans and conservatives — particularly “extreme” ones, even though the actual historic fact is that the KKK was a militant wing of the Democratic Party.  Conservatives are the racists, despite liberals demanding that women, and blacks, and other racial minorities get a special leg-up provided by governments because, liberals believe, they couldn’t make it on their own otherwise; they’re too weak, inferior, incapable — which is of course pure racism or sexism on their part, and exactly the opposite on ours.  And on and on.  A million examples exist to show how liberals and all progressives — in and out of school houses — re-write history — lie — to make progressives look better, and conservative looks like the villains.

And now, conservatives are the latté-sippers?  And Slurpee sippers?  Fanning themselves? 

That’s “change”, all right.  It’s also total BS.

Joel Johannesen
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