Friday, April 26, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Obama reveals his race race


I cringed as I forced myself to listen to Barack Hussein Obama’s seemingly endless speech this morning, which he seemed to deliver in slow motion.  I had the benefit of a written copy of his speech so I followed along, and it helped demonstrate to me the phony drama he invokes in his delivery in order to make girls faint—oh wait: he was called out on that ploy, and that has completely stopped happening (so now, it’s just the liberal media that fawns and swoons every time he opens his chops).  He reads these things very well off the teleprompter —as if he’s talking off the top of his head.  But in fact he didn’t stray from the script at all whatsoever.  It’s drama.  Theater. 

The thing was nearly 5,000 words—FIVE THOUSAND—read in slow mo.  That’s like reading—very slowly—6 of our PTBC columnists’ columns (except boring, and not edifying whatsoever, unlike our PTBC columnists’ columns).  Therefore, more time has now been taken with Obama forgiving himself over his friend the Reverend Wright and his hate remarks, than have been spent on the hateful remarks and all the discussion on the liberal media about them, combined. 

By the way, Obama is obsessed with slavery and the plight of the poor black person in America.  That seems to be what makes him tick.  He’s all about the black man and his trials and tribulations. It’s all about race.  This has now been made clear.  Obama is apparently a new kind of slave—a slave to the past.  He cannot let go.  So at least now we know. 

And he refused to “disown” Wright. Which was what he needed to do.


Media coverage through the day was hilarious.  Without exception, Obama’s media fawners exuded praise. “Wow—how well he spoke”.  “What a speech”.  “Awesome”.  “Inspired”.  “Brilliant”. 


Amongst the smart set, Rush Limbaugh said it as well as anyone could have:  “Obama’s speech didn’t help his candidacy. He attempted to make Americans feel guilty again. It’s his hatemongering reverend who needs the lecture on race, not the good people of this nation.” 

Here here.

Later in the day, Obama lamented the doom of the nation —economically, this time.  “America’s economy is in a shambles … This economy is contracting; it is heading toward recession. We probably already are in one.”  What kind of potential president—who loves the country and is on America’s side—would council the nation and the world that “America’s economy is in a complete shambles … This economy is contracting; it is heading toward recession. We probably already are in one.” ?  I’m certainly not defending the state of America’s economy—I’m a conservative, after all— but there are positive—even uplifting —ways of correcting wrongs, of inducing “change”, and “hope” …if that’s really what you want to do.  This ain’t it. 

(Meanwhile, the Dow Jones index shot up well over 400 points today, in one of the biggest one-day gains in history, and the biggest in five years.) 

Joel Johannesen
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