Saturday, April 27, 2024

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Maclean’s sends reporter to U.S. to drink and review Fox News

Canada’s Maclean’s magazine, whose editorial policy seems to be “try really really hard to sound, like, all Canadian and stuff” features an article on the prospect of Fox News Channel coming into Canadian homes (it’s been banned all these years by the Liberal Party’s state regulators whose job is to make everything in Canada really really Canadian, and really really liberal with both a small and a capital ‘L’.  Read more about the Fox News Channel being censored in Canada here.) 

Like almost all Canadian (and North American, for that matter) media, the magazine is unapologetically liberal-left complete with its requisite anti-Americanism.  But of course like all media, they put themselves out there as if they’re completely objective and unbiased—astonished whenever they’re called “liberal”. 

Therefore, naturally, their headline is:  “Is Canada Ready for Loudmouth TV?”.

They’re so liberal and so surrounded by liberals that they don’t even recognize how liberal they are anymore.

His drunken rant (he admits to drinking beer while doing his assignment in order to get through it with his sanity) ends with:

Canadians should be applauded for inviting in a network that challenges prevailing values. But if the upstarts at Fox have anything to teach us, it’s that fairness and balance are highly elastic terms.

Apparently the irony of his words—and the fact that he had to travel to the U.S. to view Fox news Channel—are lost on him.



Joel Johannesen
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