The kids in Iran are a lot like the kids in Iraq used to be. Of course the latter are now learning less violent things than “death to America”, “Israel must be wiped off the map”, and “all infidels must die”. It’s amazing what a regime change can do!
Oct. 8: Iranian school boys shoot toy guns
at an Israeli flag during an anti-Israeli rally. (Photo credit: AP)
Meanwhile, Iran’s version of the CBC (insofar as it is state-run) —actually Iran’s seven state-run TV stations —a CBC dream-come-true— ran programs on Friday condemning the Jewish state and praising the Palestinian combatants since the 1948 creation of Israel by the U.N. The President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, joined thousands of Iranians in one of several rallies in Tehran. State-run television also showed Ahmadinejad surrounded by demonstrators, many holding banners with anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian slogans. “Death to Israel, death to America,” read many of the placards.
Hey they’re anti-American too! It’s a small world! Yeah, they’re way more anti-American on their state-run TV to be sure. Here, they just show Liberal Members of Parliament stomping on George Bush dolls with size-13 leather boots, then placing George Bush dolls on a desk and jamming a pencil into its right eye repeatedly—on our state-run TV. I mean just as a for instance—there’s lots of other anti-American programing here, some more subtle, some less.
Three Iranian state-run stations also showed live coverage of crowds of people gathering early Friday in streets throughout Tehran. One man who appeared to be in his 30s carried a placard saying: “The late Khomeini said Israel should be wiped off the map.”
I guess that’s a little like some of my emails which wish death upon me by virtue of the fact that I’m not a Liberal. Or that I should move out of this country because of that. Or the comments by someone named Dustin Ward, from Ottawa, who wrote in a comment, here in this blog, about someone who he clearly thinks is evil: “His kind will all die off soon, and the world will finally be relieved of his own flavor of rigid impedance to any meaningful sort of social progress.” He wasn’t talking about the Iranian president, he was talking about Lowell Green, a good pro-family-values conservative radio talk show host from Ottawa, whom I’d blogged about.
And here on the state-run TV we just had yet another taxpayer-funded series on the great Liberal, Pierre Trudeau! He was a “maverick”! Didja you know that? That’s what our government told us!
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