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Horror show adds new act

Janet L. JacksonI had a terrible dream last night. I saw the hideous phantasm of a Liberal party stretched out with over a generation of scandals before a nation.

Behold, the Frankenstein monster stands at Trudeau’s bedside. It has now become a hideous corpse with yellow eyes, filled with greed and ambition, kept alive by a feeding tube labelled “kickbacks.” From the other side of his bed a timid mouse named “Conservative” squeaked, “I do not have a hidden agenda.”

I opened my own eyes in terror and realized I had fallen asleep with the TV on and it was tuned to CBC.

Even though my eyes were open, my nightmare continued with Paul Martin shamelessly exploiting children at a military daycare, complete with the “ABCs” on the wall calling for “civility in the House” with big bad Belinda crossing the floor.

Rather than point out this shameless new Liberal strategy to shut down criticism, CBC commentators (of course) joined the Liberals in this new “civility” cheerleading strategy that is obviously intended to hamstring the Conservatives.

There may be honour amongst thieves, but there is none left in the Liberal camp these days.

Some might consider the current Immigration Minister Joe Volpe opening the immigration doors wide a shameless pre-election ploy. But Volpe’s reaching out to first-generation Canadian voters through family reunification is really harmless when compared to the continued antics of Judy Sgro, our past immigration minister.

Strippergate allegations proved to be Sgro’s undoing a few months ago when the federal immigration program fast-tracking foreign strippers into Canada was exposed due to alleged personal fast tracking of one of her Liberal campaign workers.

Last week, Sgro exonerated herself prior to the report’s release. She received congratulatory kisses from Liberals and Conservatives using a letter from the now deported pizza owner, as well as a pre-report letter from the federal Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro “written in response to her request for advice on the matter.” Interestingly, in a committee meeting last week, commissioner Shapiro, admitted his use of a Liberal connected law firm to investigate the complaint against Sgro was inappropriate.

Not so fast, Ms. Sgro.

If Sgro is actually a “feminist” as she claims, then why did she condone an immigration program that participated in human trafficking of women?

Does this despicable stripper program still exist?

The original Grits were entrepreneurial Scots who were actually part of the original reform movement of Upper Canada. Working with gritty mortar and bricks they knew the meaning of hard work, not money laundering.

This historic base of the Liberal party could never have imagined their creation of the Liberal party becoming what it is today—an X-rated party that promotes prostitution; hands out free heroin and crack pipes (“harm reduction”); and is pushing to legalize same-sex marriage.

But you know, at the end of the Frankenstein movie, the monster always dies. We can only dream.

Copyright ? 2005 Janet L. Jackson.

Columnist for the Calgary Sun, Janet L. Jackson is also Executive Director of the Canadian Conservative Union.  Through her work with conservative political action committees, Jackson has been an effective and prominent voice for preserving traditional marriage, religious freedom and free speech.

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