Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Drudge on last night’s failure of Obama/Pelosi/Reid/liberalism/Obamacare/big government: “Uh O”

I like this Drudge front page today:

And this red-highlighted link demonstrating Dem Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s pathologically delusional outlook on things:

imageBut you want to know what’s even funnier?  The Canadian state-owned CBC and its Obamafailure denier web site.  Not one mention about the voters’ clear refutation of the failed Obama and his liberal-left big-government policies in the elections yesterday.  This is misleading Canadians by a purposeful omission of important information, and/or by editorially reducing the importance of events to help make them appear less significant than they are. They are driving an agenda. 

It’s almost the same at the Globe and Mail denier site, where they just barely mention it.  Almost the same at the Obama-loving, Obama suck-up National Post.  Same story at The dreadful Toronto Star division of the far-left political machine.  Same at CNEWS.  All ignoring it or minimizing it as best they can. 

Only CTV.ca seems almost honest enough to sort of mention it by giving it something close to the attention it deserves, nearly (as seen at left, which I found way down their page).

How do you think their front pages would look if Obamatons swept the elections yesterday? Probably like Drudge Report (at top), or the way FoxNews.com is covering it today — as it should be. 

Joel Johannesen
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