Saturday, May 4, 2024

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CTV and others declare Clinton/Obama a “Dream Ticket”; No, not “a nightmare”.


Today in the liberals’ biased news media division, we find where the liberals’ CTV Newsnet division has informed Canadians that the notion of a Clinton/Obama Presidential/Vice-Presidential ticket is in fact a “Dream Ticket”. 

imageAs you can see from my screen capture at left, taken moments ago, you are informed that you should consider that notion as a “Dream Ticket”.  Once again that’s a “Dream Ticket”.  (No, not a “So-Called Dream Ticket”, no, no quote marks around it, and no, the anchor did not provide “air quotes” around the term when speaking of it). 

It’s not a “Nightmare Ticket”, or a “Liberal-Leftist Disaster-in-the-Making Ticket”, or even a “Quagmire”, mind you.  No no.  A “Dream Ticket”.  I think you get the picture.

Next time Prime Minister Harper says winning a massive majority would be “a dream come true”, let’s monitor CTV and see if they show his beaming face at campaign time and call it a “Dream Come True”.  (Without the quotes). 

In their “news” story, the CTV folks helpfully provide all manner of accompanying video footage of fawning Obama and Clinton fans at their campaign rallies, proving that it would in fact be a “Dream Ticket”.  To all the world.  Oh let’s hope we never wake up! 


explanation:  The liberal media is so liberal, they don’t even know how liberal they are anymore; or perhaps worse, they do know, and they don’t care what you think about their agenda-driving efforts.  Vote liberal.  Oh did I say that?  Sorry I guess I was just thinking out loud.  Or dreamin’!


imageMeanwhile, the National Post, which, as I’ve shown with my (almost daily) “National Post Daily Hillarack” blog posts is obsessed with both their Hillary The Magnificent and The Great Obama, takes the unusual step today of pretending that an article in their online pages about this talk of a Clinton/Obama ticket… is a “Dream Ticket”, when in fact the article says nothing of the sort. 

imageThe front of their web site features the teaser shown at left, while the related / linked story makes absolutely no mention of the term “Dream Ticket”.  In other words, the National Post editors made it up on their own.  Interesting dream they’re having. 

There are a dozen more almost identical examples in various media today.  But as if to mess with your mind, the liberal-leftists’ very own state-owned, state-run CBC Newsworld has the sense to at least throw a question mark after the term.  Perhaps they were hoping for an Obama/Chavez ticket.

CTV Newsworld changed their tune a bit!  Anchor Dam Matheson teases upcoming segment with “Some Democrats think they have a dream ticket.”  Graphic accompanying the teaser:

Sorry—should have known better.  When the story came up, here was their new banner:
It’s a “Dream Team” now.  This reminds me of the O.J. Simpson “Dream Team”. 

Joel Johannesen
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