Sunday, April 28, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Cinnamon adds spice—and sanity to the day

Our friend Cinnamon Stillwell, columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle who wrote the excellent column called The Making of a 9/11 Republican (in our Columnist section) speaks up today in the ChronWatch‘s blog section, at which she has long been a contributor and is now once again an occassional blogger.

She highlights (—no, rather a bad word) lowlights some of the liberal-left’s moonbattery that she found in today’s blogosphere and elsewhere and elucidates them as best she can, being a sane person and all.  Her blog entry is called The London Conspiracy-Theories Have Begun. [link expired and removed]

[…] In the same vein as Galloway, luminary of the pro-Islamist left Tariq Ali, dubs the London attacks, “The Price of Occupation.” He goes on to label the war on terror, “immoral” and urges an end to, “the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.” Here we go again. He ends by calling the, “principal cause of this violence…the violence being inflicted on the people of the Muslim world.” I guess that doesn’t include the violence being inflicted by Muslims on other Muslims. Finally, Ali warns that, “unless this is recognised, the horrors will continue.” Sounds like a threat to me.

London’s Mayor “Red Ken” Livingstone sounds amazingly sane for a change. Could it be that he’s finally figured it out? We shall see…

Michael Moore’s website ravings are somewhat subdued today, but the “Blame Bush,” “Blame the war in Iraq” hints are all over the place. And like Al-Jazeera, Moore has picked up on the MSNBC translator’s questions about the terrorist statement claiming responsibility for the London attacks. Other than that, there’s a link to an article detailing the comments made by a Fox News Host Brian Kilmeade in the wake of the attack. Although clearly meant to boost Western unity in the face of Islamic terrorism, Moore implies the comments are evidence of callous manipulation. Whatever floats your boat, Mike. […]

Joel Johannesen
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