Sunday, April 28, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Absolutely no need to buy Absolut

imageI’m a little behind the times because I’ve been doing my taxes this week, and therefore my


entire life has come to an almost complete standstill, but while writing about the stupid school project given to a Texas eighth-grade class just now, I remembered I wanted to join the common sense set of the blogger world and bring to your attention the obvious fact that we can choose to never drink Absolut vodka again. 

Absolut featured the map at left in an ad running in Mexico, which as you can imagine, stirred-up some angst in America and elsewhere.  One wonders, (as at blogger and columnist Michelle Malkin’s site) what kind of ad they’d run in, say, the Gaza Strip (if they were to run ads there, which I somehow doubt they would!).  Or in Iran.  And if the ad in their home country of Sweden would be written in Arabic and Persian. 

And of course someone has properly Photoshopped that ad, replacing the border as it really is, only with a ha-YUGE fence across that border.  (See it here)

Malkin did a bang-up job of bringing our attention to this fascinating story here

And Malkin followed it up with this column at

Contact information for Absolut:

Jeffrey Moran
Director of Public Relations and Events
The Absolut Spirits Company, Inc.
1370 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
Phone, direct: +1 212 641 87 20
E-mail: [email protected]

I would suggest an American vodka. 

Joel Johannesen
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