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Avowed communist Van Jones quits as Obama top adviser—in the middle of the night on long weekend

imageVan Jones, the self-described communist and radical and, as we’ve found out, anti-Jew and anti-white racist, nutbar 9-11 “truther”, and the rude and arrogant jerk who publicly called Republicans “a**-holes” at a town hall forum;  and the guy about whom, over the weekend, yet another radical speech was discovered in which he proclaimed that “You’ve never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. They always say, ‘We can’t believe it happened here. We can’t believe it’s these suburban white kids.’ It’s only them!!!” (see video below);  and who has blamed “white polluters and white environmentalists” for “steering poison” to minority communities;  and a man who is also quite possibly an abject liar; whom me and several bloggers have written about several times now in lieu of any media covering it at all (except Fox News Channel and Drudge Report and and the Washington Times), finally quit in disgrace.

In the middle of the night, on a long weekend.  You know, for that famous Obama “accountability” and “transparency” effect. 

Prior to this story:

The Van Jones (non) feeding frenzy

By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent (Washington Examiner)
09/04/09 11:30 AM EDT

From a Nexis search a few moments ago:

Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the New York Times: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy in the Washington Post: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on NBC Nightly News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on ABC World News: 0.
Total words about the Van Jones controversy on CBS Evening News: 0.

Van Jones was Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar”.  (Hey here’s a question:  What kind of jobs does a communist like to create?).

Glenn Beck of Fox News Channel should be credited with bringing all the much needed attention (MUST SEE VIDEO) to this communist radical Van Jones (which the entire media establishment summarily ignored), and every citizen should be extremely concerned that nearly the entire media establishment completely ignored this information and never presented the story.  That includes the CTV and CBC and all the rest of the terrible, Obama suck-up and ass-covering Canadian media which is in a creepy, slobbering love affair with Obama. 

Imagine if this guy were in President George W. Bush’s administration.  Imagine if a guy like this was an adviser to Sarah Palin.

Even today, while CTV finally apparently feels it is necessary to finally mention the name Van Jones in an article, their AP-written story leaves out 90% of the egregious history and examples of racist and radical behavior about Van Jones. So they’re still providing cover for him and Obama through misinformation, or by purposely under-informing you.  CBC isn’t even covering it —at all, and it’s nearly 1:00 PM eastern time., for about two full weeks, tendentiously maintained a headline link in their “Media News” section of their front page (see left) to a story about how a certain extreme left wing political group (“extreme left wing” is my words, since the liberal media doesn’t recognize anything from the left as being “extreme” the way they do the right), called “”, managed to successfully arrange an imageadvertiser boycott of Glenn Beck’s Fox News Channel show. The headline was “Advertisers thinking twice about Glenn Beck”.  Even when other media news came up, they maintained that headline and link anyway.  Strange, that.  Nowhere in their big Boycott Glenn Beck (and hate Fox News Channel) story did they mention that “” was another radical and, I believe, anti-white racist organization founded by… none other than VAN JONES.  And what’s worse is that today, doesn’t even have the story of Van Jones quitting, and the very important information surrounding this man — and “” —at all.  Anywhere.  Here’s their original story, which was never followed up as best I can tell.  Not even today.  (UPDATE:  they bury a lousy story about it now)

Glenn Beck has also raised the sometimes very similarly egregious statements and histories of several other top Obama advisors and executives in various Obama cabinets and Czar secretariats, and people who surround him all day every day.  Unless you’re watching Glenn Beck’s show or Fox News Channel generally, you literally don’t even know there’s anything going wrong.  Obama’s just peachy. 

You are being manipulated. 

This is very dangerous, folks.  We need to wake up and act on it.

See today’s Doug Giles column today, here at PTBC:  “Hey A**holes! Obama Wants to Talk to Your Kids”

Also see my recent PTBC entries:

MUST SEE VIDEO:  Glenn Beck on one of Obama’s top advisers and czars, the radical Van Jones 
Glenn Beck Has Brass Gonads 
Obama web site calls opponents “right-wing terrorists”; Adviser calls Republicans “A**holes”
Gooooooood morning North Americaaaa!

Also see this short video:

Joel Johannesen
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