Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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This is what you deserve, Canada. A CBC like this.

PTBC reader Daniel sends this along this morning, reminding us to visit the national taxpayer-paid, state-owned web site of hate and division, the CBC web site, today.

Regarding the story of the woman who was imprisoned in Kenya:

The CBC site is where the taxpayer-paid moderators pre-read CBC fan/reader comments, then approve of the ones they find suitable for a state-owned, national taxpayer-paid news media web site of unity and understanding.  To help bring Canadians together and do whatever possible to elevate the discussion, go beyond name-calling and cheap insults and crass left-wing-promoting and rabidly anti-conservative politics, if only because all taxpayers are paying for it.  And because it’s a national news media web site paid for by all taxpayers rather than a crass politics blog run by an individual, it ostensibly represents our nation to the world.  And because the site is itself promoted as a learning tool for children across the nation, for use even within classrooms. 

Unfortunately, like virtually all “progressive” government programs, this one is of course an abject failure of mammoth proportions on every level.  Worse, in fact.  The site is actually one of the most hateful and divisive web sites in all of North America, as I see it. 

That CBC fan/commenter comment is tame compared to others there, even if it blatantly calls non-liberals fascists just like Hitler, by ever so cutely calling them the “Reich Wing”; and calling the Conservatives the “CRAP” Party;  and calling our Prime Minister “Slime Minister Harper”;  and generally casting non-liberals as sycophantic nutbars and idiots.  Time for recess, kids! 

One rarely sees such abject and hateful bigotry in any web site, least of all at a national, taxpayer-paid, state-owned news media web site where comments are pre-read and approved by moderators, anywhere in the world. 

As Daniel wrote:

… Now, I’ve seen many slurs, but here we go again – anyone not supporting the great Liberal agenda MUST be a Nazi!  Shame on us conservatives, we’re too busy worshiping Hitler to have a proper understanding of how things work in this country. Other comments mirrored this poster’s way of thinking.  Isn’t it funny how when a liberal attacks a conservative with names and thinly veiled references to Nazism, it’s okay, yet when a conservative outs a liberal on their own hypocrisy, it’s terrible and we’re the scum of the earth?

Are liberals really that out of touch with society?


The CBC site is also where, when the CBC published a story of the death of a Canadian soldier fighting for our country in Afghanistan, they approved a comment from one of their fans, who wrote “THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE” (referring of course to the dead soldier, and possibly his family).  They approved and continue to approve others just like that.  Naturally his family would no doubt be reading the story at the CBC, and all the CBC comments about the story, in their search for comfort from anywhere they could find it, including possibly at their national state-owned taxpayer-paid media, upon their heroic son’s death, after fighting and dying for our country. But the CBC doesn’t care. 

The CBC is a national disgrace.

State-owned and state-run media should be banned in this country, and that notion enshrined in a constitution. 


The CBC fan/commenter was clearly educated in the government-run schools (as was the moderator), where they don’t teach the proper placement of apostrophes when denigrating conservatives or anyone else who isn’t left-wing.  It’s Liberals’, not Liberal’s

And the writer should know, but doesn’t, possibly because he was taught lies by socialists and propagandists, that Nazis and Hitler were tyrannical, atheist socialists.  Big totalitarian government left-wingers who hated Jews.  Really quite the opposite of what we know as Canada’s “right-wing” or conservatives generally. 

And why on earth would conservatives’ fingers be “gnarly”?  Do conservatives have “gnarly” fingers?  Why the phony allusion to grotesque physical attributes?  I mean besides the possibility that the writer is a bigoted fascist-like idiot. 


Joel Johannesen
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