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Email: “You are so unrepresentative of Canadians’ ideals”

“Unrepresentative”:  I gather by this that he means to say, in his own passive-aggressive way, that I’m “un-Canadian”.  Also, my angry emailer doesn’t much care for America, or corporations, or differing views.  Let’s read it together!  As Canadians! 


From: “Stein ____”
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 9:47 AM
Subject: You are so unrepresentative of Canadians’ ideals

You would have Canada model itself after the USA, a socio-political system which is in decay due to the lack fairness, inclusiveness and regulation of run-away corporations who’s only mandate is to grow themselves at all costs without regard for the public good.  Wake up Joel.  The spin you put on things to the degree of misrepresentation is scary.


While my fan typed “who’s”, I’m sure he meant “whose”.  He may well represent the uneducated Canadian who was educated in public Canadian government schools by socialists and those who think that Canadians are a superior race to the Americans.  Or something like that. (But don’t worry, they’re all about the multicultural and the diversity, God bless ‘em!)

Hi Stein!

Your subject header says, “You are so unrepresentative of Canadians’ ideals.”  You then begin your so aggressive little note to me by so presuming to possess the knowledge and authority to (ill-) define me and to (mis-) represent me and my ideals, stating that “You would have Canada model itself after the USA…” (as if it was a bad thing to encourage one’s country to in any way model itself or parts thereof after one of the freest, most desirable, most powerful, the richest, and arguably about the most successful democracy in history). 

So you can misrepresent me and my personal ideals, but you discourage me from representing my own, because they aren’t like yours and your allusion to your personal yet universally applied set of “Canadians’ ideals”, huh?  That’s odd.  And you presume to have some special knowledge about my inner thoughts, having never before met me nor asked my permission, and that’s OK in your case.  Do you have special powers as a liberal, wherein you abide by a completely different set of rules than those to which I am asked to abide?  That’s weird science.

And then your penultimate conclusion is a passive-aggressive assertion that quite apart from misrepresenting “Canadians’ ideals” (as defined exclusively by you), I also “misrepresent” things generally, meaning of course that I’m nothing short of a liar, and you do so without providing any examples?  Well that’s just mis-something-y.  “Misrepresentative”?  Maybe you just ran out of time and had to get back to work.  Do you work for the CBC as a “journalist” by any chance?

The Canadian rules are actually like this, Stein (I’m sure you don’t mind me using your first name as you did mine).  Me and the countless people who agree with me are all allowed, without a license from you, to represent our ideals as Canadians, even if they don’t represent you personally or any group with whom you mix and think of as superior.  Alas, we don’t adhere to your grand illusion, typical of the liberal-left, as The Official Keeper Of The Correct Canadian Ideals, manifestly because you’re patently not.  (In fact I think the liberal-left in this country has utterly defiled Canada’s heritage ideals.) 

It’s absolutely the Canadian way to think, as I’m sure you of all people know and agree.  So it really sounds like I’m the one who truly understands and who’s “representing Canadian ideals”, here, and you’re not.  (Note the correct usage of “who’s”, in this case). 

Hey maybe me and all those who agree with me are simply and completely “un-Canadian” because we don’t obediently embrace your world view?  I’m sure there’s a choice word or two for that kind of glib, ever so advanced “socio-political” thinking. 

And your conclusion is that I’m the one who’s “scary”?  You have an irrational fear of… me and possibly other conservatives like me?  Well that’s just awesome.

Your faithful servant,
Joel Johannesen


Joel Johannesen
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