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Democrats’ “Cap and Trade” law includes provision for gov’t to come into your home and “inspect” it

Team “progressive”, the Obama administration and the liberal Democratic Party Congress, as part of their 1,400-page, totally unread by any Congressmen, “Cap and Trade” bill passed Friday, includes language that appears to allow the government to come into your home and inspect it prior to your selling it, to ensure it’s up to their latest “green” standards.  And if it isn’t, you’d have to upgrade first. 

It’s called the “Retrofit” Policy.  It just might become more properly known as something else entirely amongst the sane, sensible freedom-loving set who will fight to maintain a free nation rather than a totalitarian one. 

…The program would involve a system of certified auditors, inspectors, and raters who inspect homes and businesses using devices such as infrared cameras (which measure how much heat a building is giving off) to measure their energy efficiency.

The results of these energy audits would then be used to determine what retrofits need to be performed. The audits would examine things like water usage, infrared photography, and pressurized testing to determine the efficiency of door and window seals, and indoor air quality.

Those retrofits would be performed by licensed retrofit contractors using government-approved methods and resources including roofing materials that reflect solar energy.

“[B]uilding retrofits conducted pursuant to a REEP program utilize, especially in all air-conditioned buildings, roofing materials with high solar energy reflectance,” the legislation states.

After the retrofitting is complete, the government – state, local, or federal – will come back and re-inspect the house to determine how much energy has been saved and whether the retrofit is up to federal government standards.


Also see a blogger’s analysis:


From: Dean
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: Cap’n Crunch

Good lord! I wonder what’s in the other 1398 pages that we haven’t heard about yet? Hopefully somebody reads the whole mess before the Senate votes so voters have a chance to get angry!


Hi Dean,

Maybe as a return “favor” —or more likely an overt international display of bitter irony — now that President Obama (“the leader of the free world”) has made it clear he’s on neither the Iranian tyrants’ side nor the freedom-fighting people of Iran’s side, the formerly busy uprising Iranian folks will use some of their now extra time to read the bill on behalf of sycophantic American Democratic Party lawmakers, and spell it out to them and to the many Obamaton Americans (and to the four Republicans who voted for it in the House). 

Somebody’s got to help Fox News Channel and conservative bloggers read it and spell it out!  Or worse for the American people, maybe the Iranians will just sit idly by and let America’s “people’s representatives” pass it into another American law that works against them.  That would be pretty uncaring and mean of them, but at least we’d be more even Steven.



Joel Johannesen
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