Friday, May 10, 2024

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Next time MEN are insulted or cast as total idiots, let’s set our hair on fire, shall we?

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I think the state-owned CBC— in fact all of the “equality-loving” liberal-left media (also known as centers of liberal-left hypocritical excellence), and all their sheep-like supporters, should literally get on their knees and apologize to all Canadians — beg for our forgiveness — for constantly casting all men as total morons and useless idiots over the years in those excellent, superb shows they present on the idiot box for us all.  Where for example in their most hilarious sitcoms, kicking a man in the nuts is used as a totally legitimate laugh-line, to the extent that when a guy is kicked in the balls by a woman or viciously slapped across the face by a woman, they flash the “applause” sign for the audience if there is an audience, or play a laugh track when there isn’t.  And where every male character is created to reflect “yet another typical male who is of course another totally useless and lazy father/husband/idiot/man”

Watch any show on the ever so politically-correct state media, or on CTV, Global or any American network, and what you see is men getting trashed as idiots, and horrible, useless fathers, and horrible husbands, and as lazy, moronic galoots.  And then the “news” programs go ape-poop — on the news, yet! — when a CONSERVATIVE politician makes a tiny, politically-incorrect, officially unapproved by liberals remark on a blog about women who he thinks demonstrate a proclivity to whine about “equality” all day long. 

And until the CBC and the other “equality-loving” media do that, then they should really shut their hypocritical yaps. 

The rest of us should go about our business being free to say whatever the hell we want, without having to increasingly, constantly, look over our shoulders in fear of being slammed and browbeaten by liberal elitist asses and hypocrites using their bully pulpit to regulate speech and thought.


From: Mark G____
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 9:43 AM
Subject: Alberta Conservative MLA in hot water

Hi Joel,

I noticed that the media make sure to mention the party affiliation.

Anyway, when I read what the MLA said I took it as a bit of a shot at men, well maybe not a shot but an accurate reflection of humanity. … Much ado about nothing? This is a big story only because the progressive media can use it to paint Conservatives as misogynistic trolls. We need conservative leaders who aren’t afraid to tell the progressive propagandists in the media to piss off.

Keep fighting!


Joel Johannesen
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