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Newsquips for Valentine’s Day

Newsquips daily news brief —  (As regular readers know, there’s nothing particularly “daily” about Newsquips, but anyway…) — It’s Valentine’s Day. There’s your brief.  Carry on.  And keep checking this post through the day, as I add things to it.  Maybe even a box of chocolates.   

image♥ 1. Valentines Day in India?  Yikes.  The hard line Hindus are trying to crack down on the younger set getting all cottoned up in Valentine’s Day.  Those caught buying Valentine’s Day cards or even dating today—are subjected to… arranged marriages, and more.  And not to be an apologist for those pretty ridiculous hard line actions by the religious hard liners, but you have to laugh at how western media (the National Post in my example below) tendentiously casts those hard liners as “conservatives” and “right-wingers”, and those young folks who are simply celebrating the rather western and nonreligious Valentines Day—as “progressives”.  As if it’s just like here in the West.  For example, in their nefarious journalistic guidebook, Osama bin Laden is a deemed a “conservative”.  Just like me. 

February 14 has been cast as a forbidden holiday in this quickly modernizing country by fundamentalist groups that call it “un-Indian,” and threaten violence, or even enforced marriage, to those who dare celebrate it in public. A right-wing Hindu group, Sri Ram Sene, was reportedly organizing to marry off couples seen dating on February 14. …  Outraged by repeated acts of violent “moral policing,” progressive Indians are beginning to take a stand and a major English newspaper has urged people to ask, “Who decides what is Indian culture?”

A more journalistically balanced example is found at msNBC.

And meanwhile, the BBC reports that in Iran, ”…authorities have shut several shops selling Valentine’s Day products, saying they were an insult to Islam…” — The “right-wing”, um, “conservatives” of Iran, I take it.  … 
IN ACTUAL FACT, this conservative western blogger (that’s me), prefers the good old western tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day with what the BBC hilariously says in that same story, and in all seriousness, complete with the babe-a-licious photo at left, is a special “aphrodisiac”:  “A pub in England decided to celebrate the day by serving up a beer it claimed was an aphrodisiac”♥Yummy ♥ aphrodisiac! ♥…  Oh the beer too. 

But if you think that story’s bad…

♥ 2.  Happy Valentine’s Day—now off with wife’s head! —Well not really.  And really, it’s not a laughing matter.  It’s a disgrace.  And it’s right close to home.  It’s a story that is about extremists as well, but one who cast himself as the opposite. 

Man arrested in wife’s beheading
Authorities say suspect is founder of cable TV network for Muslims and NBC News
updated 5:44 p.m. PT, Fri., Feb. 13, 2009

BUFFALO, N.Y. – A suburban Buffalo man who founded a cable TV station to promote better understanding of Muslims in the U.S. has been arrested on charges he beheaded his wife.  …  Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004 amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light. Its slogan was connecting people through understanding.”  According to authorities, Aasiya Hassan recently filed for divorce and had a protection order against her husband, the Buffalo News reported.

So he disconnected her head.

♥ 3.  I’m not feelin’ the love. —  I always threaten to keep a list—sort of like my annual Christmas Shame and Fame list of those “Happy Holidays” and “Happy Festive Season” louts who are obviously anti-Christmas—but this one full of companies that advertise on left-wing or overtly liberal media, thereby supporting them financially.  But here’s something in contradistinction to that, which is actually even worse:

NYT Co. Gives to Planned Parenthood Affiliate, Other Left-Wing Groups
A pattern of left-wing grant-making at the parent company of the New York Times.

Posted by: Clay Waters
2/13/2009 8:53:10 AM

When it comes to advancing a liberal agenda, the New York Times not only gives at the office through slanted reporting, but also through the New York Times Company Foundation, according to the Foundation’s 2007 annual report, released in May 2008.

Matching the liberal advocacy carried out every day in the pages of the Times, the New York Times Co. handed over a $5,000 grant to an abortion group, Planned Parenthood of New York City, for “educational outreach in schools and the community,” the second of two installments.

The company also donated $5,000 to the liberal Committee of Concerned Journalists (sample leftism here) and $7,500 to the left-wing environmental group National Resources Defense Council….

image♥ 4. Not feelin’ the “GREEN” love, Chucky. — The Royal Idiot, Prince Charles, Ye Royal Knight of the Hypocritical Progressive Realm of Total Moonbattery, is taking a royal 16,400-mile round trip “ENVIRONMENTAL” tour—in his private freaking jet—an Airbus A-319 which usually seats 134 passengers.  He’ll be taking his unlovely Valentine horse wife, Camilla (pictured at left—winney!), and of course a 14-person entourage of royal horse-ass-kissers and Suzuki horsecrap book readers.  Much as with Suzuki and others of their donkey-ass herd, apparently the simple green concept of just staying home in one’s palace and shutting one’s giant pie hole wasn’t considered at tea time.  …  And as if to prove what an idiot he is, he is said to be “offsetting” this giant horses-ass of a trip by “buying carbon offsets”. 

♥ 5.   GLOBAL WARMING IN SPRING; and HOPE AND CHANGE I can believe in — Here on the west coast Valentine’s Day means our crocuses should be coming out and the snow drops should be in full swing, and they are.  A quick picture from outside, taken just moments ago:


♥ 6.

Joel Johannesen
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