Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Thursday’s Newsquips

Newsquips briefing notes: Made a mistake yesterday—Bob H. from California contributed $50 in PTBC life support—not $20 as I reported.  For those of you keeping track at home, that’s better. Again: better.

1.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING to our American friends!—Rasmussen Reports (a highly regarded normally political pollster) stats:  Most Americans will be eating TURKEY on Thanksgiving—80%!  Only 13% eat ham or something else (heh—“something else”—I guess that’s obvious).  Most American adults (86%) say they have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, despite the economics fears. Only seven percent (7%) say they do not.  Most adults (53%) consider the holiday the nation’s most important. Only three percent (3%) deem it the least important. 

2. Also from Rasmussen Reportshelping prove the veracity of our annual PTBC “It’s Called Christmas” push-back:

68% Prefer “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays”
Christmas is just around the corner, and a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 68% of American adults prefer stores to show signs saying “Merry Christmas” rather than “Happy Holidays.”

Only one-quarter of adults (25%) favor signs that say “Happy Holidays.” Those figures are virtually unchanged from our survey conducted this time last year.

Men (71%) favor “Merry Christmas” slightly more than women (65%).

From a politically partisan perspective, Republicans (84%) overwhelmingly prefer “Merry Christmas” more than Democrats (51%). Far more Democrats (43%) wish for “Happy Holidays” signs than Republicans (13%).

In terms of age, men (73%) and women (68%) over 40 want signs to say “Merry Christmas” slightly more than men (63%) and women (55%) under 40.

Regardless of what the signs say, 53% will be attending a Christian church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day this year. That’s down four points from last year. One-third (32%) do not plan to go to a service.

Adults over 40 are much more likely to attend a Christmas service than those under 40. Also, married adults (59%) will go to a church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day more than those who are not married (42%). In addition, Republicans (68%) are more likely to go to a Christmas church service than Democrats (45%).

3.   More signs America is winning the Iraq war (aside from the fact that the liberal media stopped reporting on Iraq):  A security agreement has been reached with the Iraq parliament for the Americans to hand over control of major cities to Iraqi forces by January 1, 2012, and for most American forces to withdraw from the country by then.  They’ve already been trickling home, but now there’s an end date in sight.  Memo to liberals and other surrenderers:  “end dates” are possible when victory is the goal and the goal is in sight!  Hope that helps!  …  PRESCIENCE:  The Obama-luvin’ media will give credit to Obama, falsely, for the ability to withdraw troops at that time and for victory in Iraq generally, even though his whole campaign was centered on the immediate withdrawal and surrender in Iraq citing total failure there.  And OBAMA will falsely take that credit, even though he was nothing but an impediment—or worse—to the American victory and success throughout the entire war.  But that’s “change”, folks.  Honesty to BS. 

4.    More on the Carleton University morass (once again, as usual, I use the word “morass” advisedly, and by it I of course mean “more ass”) … See yesterday’s item #6 and the day before item #4 ) —Today’s National Post lead editorial seems to see it (almost exactly!) MY WAY … which is not an automatic assumption since I see much of the same Carleton University – Orwellian – politically-correct – Bush Derangement Syndrome – Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome – Obama-luvin’ – Kool-Aid-drinkin’ attitude coming out of that liberal-ensconced orifice as well:

National Post editorial board: Carleton fuss reflects a generation raised on politically correct propaganda


Garbage in, garbage out: As any IT expert can attest, the quality of the data flowing out of a computer algorithm is only as good as the data that humans provide as inputs.

The same principle could just as easily be applied to the members of the Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA), who on Monday evening voted to stop raising funds for cystic fibrosis (CF) because (as they mistakenly believed) the disease almost exclusively afflicts white males — and so isn’t “inclusive” enough.

This is more than just a cabal of confused campus leftists disgracing a single university. Over the years, these student politicians have been fed so much one-sided politically correct garbage about race and gender that they have been programmed to see the whole world as a zero-sum competition between “oppressor” white males and everyone else.
In this age of a hierarchy of rights, is the CUSA decision so surprising? Or is it merely the product of a generation’s worth of values-distorting propaganda?…

Oh yeah it’s just totally limited to Canada’s academia!  This “garbage in, garbage out” thing hasn’t touched Canada’s liberal media at all!  And certainly not the Obama-luvin’ – politically-correct – Bush Derangement Syndrome – Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome – Obama-luvin’ – Kool-Aid-drinkin’ (…) NatPo!  Nuh-uh! 

5. REAL PROGRESS on the WELFARE front—this time political welfare.  The Conservatives are planning to scrap the nanny-state’s taxpayer funding of political parties so that they will have to earn support from citizens, almost like in sane-ville.  Now if only they could do the same with corporate welfare, and more.  … image  As if on cue, the socialist leader of the you’ve got to be kidding party, General Jack W. Layton, is standing up in the house as we speak, decrying this move to remove his lips from the huge yummy government teat and take away his big government entitlements (en-teat-elments?) as, and I quote, “an attack on democracy” —no sorry—“an attack on DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!`11282398**78234&&&%^&%@#!!!!!” (finger wagging wildly like a loon, spittle flyin’ all over the House, angry-beyond-words, “pacifist” style)  ..  Not to be outdone, the National Post’s front page this morning positions the story on their front page as if were a war.  Oh hang on, the huge headline actually says “Political ‘War’ Looms” (and it’s not about Mumbai).  They quote the unhinged big huge government teat-luvas, like this:  “This is huge. This is so audacious and outrageous,” said Pat Martin, an NDP MP from Winnipeg. “This means war.”  (add a bunch o’ those !!`11282398**78234&&&%^&%@#!!!!!&‘s)  …  They’re against fighting terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, but reducing state spending and taking away the entitlements?  THIS is “audacious and outrageous” and THIS is “war”

image  6.   People aren’t TOTALLY stupid —the big, much advertised TV premier of far-left Bush-and-all-other-conservatives-hating lunatic Rosie O’Donnell’s new show on (where else—I mean besides CBC) NBCtotally flopped last night, as judged by the horrendous ratings.  Only 5 million people tuned in, putting it in dead last place.  The critics bashed it as ridiculousThe NY Times described it as “hokey comedy with an enemies list.” TV Guide called it a “ghastly ego trip.” And the LA Times asked, “Rosie, what on earth were you thinking?”  … The show tied for last place among all the TV networks—tied with ABC’s “Pushing Daisies” as the night’s lowest-rated program on a major broadcast network—and “Pushing Daisies” is so bad they’ve already cancelled it.  …. So CBC might pick it up. 

7. Followup to #5: poll:  Should the government slash public funding for federal parties?  Yes: 80%  No: 20%. … Joel Johannesen says: YES.  … Should the government slash public funding for state-owned, state-run media, and sell it, then ban it, and amend our constitution such that it is enshrined therein and banned forever more?:  Yes… 

8. News media “attacks democracy”!  No just kidding.  But I imagine the CBC will somehow see it that way, much as the logic-challenged socialist, Jack (“Ass”) Layton, sees the Conservatives’ idea of nixing taxpayer funding of political parties (re #5 above).  GREAT READ from the Moncton Times and Transcript, in which they point out that the state-owned CBC, which as is implied by “state-owned”, is owned by the government which competes against its own citizens in business for profit, complains in internal postings that “private sector media competitors” are bothering them for details about their spending.  Oh I just HAVE TO say that again.  The state-owned media is complaining, and I quote,  that “private sector media competitors” are picking on them.  Oh man… that’s going STRAIGHT to the PTBC Archives of Canadiana and Socialist Idiocy. 
(—Hat tip to Manny).



Joel Johannesen
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