Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Friday Newsquips

Newsquips daily briefing: TGIF—am I right Canadians?  … Newsquips are updated through the day.  Refresh the page often.  At least as often as Canadian Liberals and U.S. Democrats recycle old party hacks and ideas.

image 1. How do you say JERK-ASS in français?  Parleying about a merger of the left-wing and far-left fundamentalist parties in Canada, Uber Liberal and mercifully the FORMER Prime Minister of what I thought was both French AND English Canada, Jean Chretien, who can barely speak English, pretended he can’t understand English, then admitted it, yesterday, in his usual overstuffed ego-driven display of arrogance and with another abject dismissal of English-speaking Canada.  And he does it In French. In a Canadian Press story headlined “Chretien, Broadbent brokering possible coalition”, they write,  …Chretien was seen on his way to his downtown Ottawa office, but when asked about the coalition talks he feigned an inability to understand English.  “Je ne comprends pas anglais,” he said…  …  We will be told to “chill” because he was “just kidding” and being “funny”, and “making a joke”, which amazingly never works for Ann Coulter who makes a living being smart and funny but has never been a President or a Prime Minister or collected an enormous taxpayer-funded public pension for life.  That famous liberal-left political correctness and bigotry-fighting and kneeling aux pieds of the liberals’ bi-lingual Gods and that “inclusiveness” and “tolerance” is all a one way rue for Les Mizerables Liberales, as we can see once again. …  Oh yeah and I’ll be repairing the “Proud” part of this web site’s banner real soon. 

2. It’s a mind-game.  It’s an Orwellian left-wing—outright socialist—culture sort of thing.  This is what happens when you blur the line between private enterprise and state-controlled and state-owned (so-called) “corporations”.  But make no mistake: perfidious socialist-friendly governments in Canada blur this line on purpose.  Add to this the fact that in the liberal-left’s public schools division today, they teach that SOCIALISM IS GOOD—GOVERNMENT IS GOOD—GOVERNMENT WILL SAVE YOU—RELY ON THE GOVERNMENT—GOVERNMENT HAS THE ANSWER,  and that actually   it’s citizen-owed, private enterprise CORPORATIONS that you have to be leery of!  Apparently it’s working!  I see and hear this sort of talk all the time:  It’s all the corporations fault! The issue is whether BCLC [B.C. Lottery Corporation] can legally sell tickets after the tickets bearing the top prizes have already been won, Williams said. “It’s about keeping corporations honest, that’s really what it’s about,” he said.  …  No.  Wrong.  It’s not about “corporations”.  It’s about keeping GOVERNMENT-run “enterprises” (the government which compete against its own citizens like YOU) honest.    …  Next time Home Depot or Wal*Mart screws you, blame THE GOVERNMENT.  See how far that gets ya.  … Other than that, read the story and you’ll agree the guy is right on—the GOVERNMENT, it would appear once again, is (aside from competing against its own citizens)— RIPPING YOU OFF.  And I’m on his side.  Just get the terms of reference right…

— Here’s the you’ve got to be kidding party’s ex-boss, socialist Ed Broadbent, on November 28 2008—in Canada—not in Russia—looking exactly like a Soviet communist in his Soviet-style hat.  He’s the one on the right.  Vladimir Putin is on the left.

image 4.   Never put your cell phone on “vibrate”, then put it in your pocket, then sit at your desk, then put a big text book on your lap, then accidentally see this picture while scouring the web for a picture of a Russian wearing a commie-style or Ed Broadbent-style hat, then get a phone call from your car mechanic.  I’m just saying. 

5. poll question asks, in light of the Left’s refusal to accept the latest democratic election in this country and in their ongoing and increasingly desperate attempt to gain power over this country again, no matter what is going on in the world today:  Should the Liberals form a coalition with the NDP? Yes 39%.  No 61%.  …  The correct answer is YES.  Get ALL the left-wing parties together, call the new party the Socialist Democratic Liberal Green Bloc ‘n Pot Party of Canada, and let Canadians more easily decide between socialism for our country, or freedom

6.   Speaking of asses… Liberals love the back door.  mmmBut anyway, re the Liberal-appointed former CBC reporter cum Governor-General signing off on a desperate Left-Wing “coalition of the willing” to fight the evil Harper and Conservative and their prudent government threat to our nation the Liberal-Left,  and their getting into power through the back door:  “If she thinks it’s doable she is in deep doo doo.”  So says Barry Cooper, a political science professor at the University of Calgary, who isn’t full of doo-doo.    But actually if it were doable instead of doo-doo, I think the move would effectively WIPE the Left-Wing off the electoral map in this nation for a decade or more.  So I’m all for it.  The article by Parminder Parmar (or “PP” to friends) begins: “As talk of a potential coalition government swirls through the halls of parliament, some experts in Canadian political history say the reality is it will likely never come to fruition.”  … Oh come now.  There’s all manner of fruit there in the Liberal-Left —it’s more a question of ripeness.



Joel Johannesen
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