Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Great days for liberal media

The media is reporting on the economy this morning as if it’s a race between them to be as alarmist and pessimistic and negative and as full of gloom & doom as possible.  They seem to be in a huge hurry to convince everyone it’s a massive recession now, officially, and extending the “logic” to stress that there’s actually very VERY real possibly of a massive depression on the very near horizon.  Hopefully everyone will be convinced just in time for the elections here and in the U.S.. 

The liberal-left politicians all continue to talk-down and trash our economy to the very best of their oh-so principled abilities.  No news media finds this to be a rather odd position for a politician who hopes to lead our nation, to take.  Our economy sucks!  We’re hopelessly doomed!  But I support the troops! 

The media report on it like they’re mere bystanders, and have had no part in creating the requisite economic pessimism among the citizenry. 

Then they gleefully report about the idiot British Afghanistan commander who blurted out that he believes he and his troops and all the West’s troops will fail to win in Afghanistan.  “Idiot” was my word.  To them, he’s an obviously BRILLIANT commander.  General David Petraeus was the idiot.  Word from the appeaser commander is that the West should just basically give up now, surrender their effort, and join with the savage Islamofascist Taliban in some sort of a polite and reasonable coalition with those Islamofascist chaps, sort of like what I imagine Jack Layton would have us do.  (Apparently no commander has ever been enthusiastic about the prospects of winning there, ever, which is why we never hear from one in the media). 

Naturally the Taliban are going ape-poop celebrating the news they hear from the West, just as the liberals and leftists go ape-poop hearing bad news about the economy, pre-election.  The media LOVES this kind of stuff. 

And then as if shocked out of their gourd, the media reports that the polls are going south for the Conservatives here, and for the Republicans in the U.S. 

All of these stories are bad news, but the media seem positively charged up today. 


Joel Johannesen
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