Friday, July 26, 2024

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Must-see video: Obama Youth

Reportedly made at a school called the URBAN COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP ACADEMY in Kansas City Missouri under the “leadership” of one of their “teaching” staff. 

A concerned citizen spoke to a school administrator:
“Nicely, I told him that the video looked militant. I told him about the Colburn School video

[see below —Joel]

and how it resembles propaganda films from Communist dictatorships. I told him that the US military is frowned upon for going to high schools trying to recruit potential grads into joining their ranks. Why shouldn’t we frown upon those who come to a school like yours to encourage kids to worship a politician? One who is not even a president.  I also said that if this was done to make kids feel better about themselves, why do it in the name of Obama? Why not encourage kids to believe in the power of themselves?” 

The administrator then arranged to have the video removed from YouTube.  But another YouTuber reposted it, as above.

Here are the words the


Obama Youth recite :
“Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega,”

“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next doctor”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next lawyer”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next automotive technician”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next sheriff”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next architect”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next engineer”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next fireman”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next architect”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next chemical engineer”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next entrepreneur”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next lawyer”
“Because of Obama, I’m inspired to be the next lawyer”

“Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can,Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can!”

“Obama speaks our race…America..” (?)
“Embrace the ….without …the…of our past” (?)
“Take More Responsibility for our own lives”
“Have our own dreams and…..of your dreams”
“……………………our own destiny”
“Demand for from our fathers (?) to spend more time with their children by reading to them and taking care of them, for we have a choice in this country, we can accept things that bring division and create conflict, or we can come together and say…with “YES WE CAN”

“Obama’s healthcare plan will include coverage of all necessary medical services”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will provide all participants minimum copay for deductibles”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will simplify paperwork for providers”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will provide subsidies for families who cannot afford medicaid”
“Obamas healthcare plan will be able to provide participants the ability to move from job to job without taking their healthcare coverage”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will extend coverage of young adults up to the age of 25 through their parent’s plan”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will not turn any American away from any insurance plan”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will offer health information technology”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will reform our market structure to encourage competition”
“Obama’s healthcare plan will offer federal reassurance to employers”


Also see: Younger Obama Youth:

“Kiddies sing for THE GREAT OBAMA … with flutes and bongos!”… as led by a teacher who specializes, in part, in “early learning”.  (Wink!)

“We’re gonna spread happiness,
we’re gonna spread freedom,
Obama’s gonna change it,
Obama’s gonna lead, em.”
“We’re gonna change, it!”
“And rearrange it!”
“We’re gonna change the world.”

“Now’s the moment, lift, each voice and sing.
Sing with all your heart.
For our children, for our families, nations all join as one,
Sing for Joy and sing of love and peace,
COURAGE …. strong, sing together, hold each precious hand,
lifting each other up, sing for vision,
sing for unity, lifting our hearts to sing.”

“Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can….., “

“Lift each other up!”
“Lift Each Other up!”
“Lift each other up!”
“Lift each other up!”
“Lift Each Other up!”
“Lift each other up!”


“Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We Can Can Can,
Yes We CAN!!!”


“We’re gonna spread happiness, we’re gonna spread freedom,
Obama’s gonna change it,
Obama’s gonna lead, em.”
“We’re gonna change, it!”
“And rearrange it!”
“We’re gonna change the world.”

Words source:


Joel Johannesen
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