Saturday, May 18, 2024

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“Progressive” parties to unite tonight and tomorrow for group hug and Harper Conservative slam-fest

Apparently in preparation for tonight’s French language debate which I assume is being done in French mainly to appease The Nation Of Quebec and her people and the Radio-Canada (the state-owned CBC Party—French division!), the parties of tolerance and inclusiveness are polishing their almost identical message of non-inclusiveness, foreboding, and contempt. 

Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party, the Dion/Bare-Ass Bob Rae/Ignatieff Liberals, Elizabeth May’s Liberal-Green Jambalaya Party and the le Bloc socialists en français partie, are all going to stress their shared “progressive” group hugginess and the need for the “progressive” forces to come together to defeat the normal Canadian forces, or what we call the “Harper Conservatives”. 

I love it when they do that.  This is fun. 

Last election, failed Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin also stressed the need for “progressive” forces to come together, leaving it me (rather than the ever so alert media) to call to your attention that “progressive” parties includes the Communist Party, the Marxist Leninist Party, The Marijuana Party, and I think also the Wymin with Hairy Armpits Party (WHAP).

I wrote on January 18, 2006:

… Here’s more from the progressive web site:

  …  A People’s Coalition of progressive forces, including Communists, NDPers, and progressive Greens, as well as trade unionists, peace and environmental activists, representatives of the women’s and students’ movements – these are the forces that are needed in Parliament to achieve real and progressive change, and to block the right. …

Surprise!  That wasn’t the Liberal Party’s words.  Apparently that “progressive” party (above) isn’t as “inclusive” as the Liberals, since those “progressives” didn’t even include the Liberals, per se, in their “progressive” mantra. 

gratuitous image of Communist Karl Marx That quote, above, was from the Communist Party of Canada web site at that time.  Here’s the latest Communist Party lines on that:

Identifying the current features and characteristics of the capitalist world system is therefore of utmost importance in determining the tasks which face communists and the revolutionary and progressive forces today.

“Progressive forces” unite! 

And then there’s their shared socialist angle as well, though none of them mention that much these days, nor does the media question them about it (choosing instead to help them advance it quietly). 

Of course all those “progressive” forces—the NDP, Liberals, Bloc, Liberal-Green Jambalaya, WHAP, Rhinoceros Party, etc…) are all socialists, varying only in the degree to which they intend to end capitalism in Canada as we know it and replace it with socialism, and how quickly they intend to pull that wool (Google “Canada Health Care” and “CBC” and “Liberal Party Day Care” and “liberal social programs” … and look up “hidden agenda” in a dictionary) over our eyes. 

For example, Liberal genius advisor Scott Reid helpfully—if accidentally—explained in the last election that unless the benevolent Liberal government of Paul Martin and Dion and Ignatieff and others yank the cash out of your wallet through their promised yummy increase in taxation and control over your lives, we dumb Canuckleheads will go ahead and blow the family cash on “beer and popcorn” instead of raising up our kids like proper socialists and Marxists, and we’ll teach them our own possibly non-liberal-left and actually moral values, and we’ll fail to plug them into their planned nationalized daycare (and “early learning” —wink!) outlets.


The Communist Party works to convince the Canadian working class of the necessity for solidarity with the working people of all countries who are attempting to break free from the domination of imperialism and are striving to build socialism

… The course of Canada’s development leads on a complicated but inexorable path towards the replacement of capitalism by socialism.

And as if they’re competing for the same voters (hey!  they are!) here’s the you’ve got to be kidding party (which, in a risible ruse, they insist on calling the “New” Democratic Party instead of the Neo-Socialist Party),  and their own talking points right from their own Party’s official


constitution (which they mysteriously stopped linking to from their “New” Democratic Party web site but don’t worry they’re not engaging in a hidden agenda):

The New Democratic Party believes that the social, economic and political progress of Canada can be assured only by the application of democratic socialist principles to government and the administration of public affairs. 

… The principles of democratic socialism can be defined briefly as: That the production and distribution of goods and services shall be directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people within a sustainable environment and economy and not to the making of profit; To modify and control the operations of the monopolistic productive and distributive organizations through economic and social planning. Towards these ends and where necessary the extension of the principle of social ownership;


All of them also similarly share the “Canadian Value” of abortion, such as aborting babies; but also aborting family, such that the whole nation raises the nation’s children (it doesn’t take a family, it takes a village, and preferably a state instead, by golly!); and aborting the very idea of country itself and instead, being “led” by a global socialist world order of yummy Godless socialism, probably initially through their United Nations, which liberal leftists all adore,  but “progressively” moving to more of a cool inter-stellar world government.

The New Democratic Party is proud to be associated with the democratic socialist parties of the world and to share the struggle for peace, international co-operation and the abolition of poverty…

So let’s bear those things in mind as all those “progressive” parties speak of their yummy “progressive” movements from here on in. 



Joel Johannesen
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