Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Canadian election too? Media confused over who to bash more: Bush, Cheny, McCain, Harper, Palin…

Liberalvision spouts off the Liberal Frenchman’s opening salvos today, along with the salvos (such as they are) of the other eight or ten opposition parties.  The media recognizes it’s the only fair fight.  Everyone, including them, against Harper.  Pile on. 

This federal election fight will provide a stark choice of visions for Canada, says Liberal Leader Stephane Dion.

Well thank you Professor Nincompoop.

“Stephen Harper formed the most conservative government in our history,” he told reporters in Ottawa on Sunday after the Conservative leader triggered a vote for Oct. 14.

Most conservative?  Yes, most conservative since, well, way since back in the year 2006!  For liberals, history always starts yesterday. What was Dion a professor of?  Brain Poo 101?

And by the way, he says it like it would be a bad thing to be “the most conservative”.  I think it would be a great thing.  He’s not in touch with this Canadian.  I say bring on the conservative.  Gun-luvin’ God-fearing adventurers and entrepreneurs who were self-reliant and hunted and built and took full personal responsibility for absolutely everything without ever seeing the need for a big nanny-state image teat and who willingly fought in war after war (with guns and bombs a-blazing) to defend freedom and democracy and secure a nation and who built good enterprising and pioneering families and businesses which never relied on anyone except themselves and who embraced capitalism and free markets —you know, conservatives—FOUNDED this nation. 

His “the most conservative” mantra is like a free ad for our cause. 

But “in history”!  Oh my.  Grab some perspective, Professor.  Or do you really think we’re all so stupid?  (Answer: yes.  Liberals bank on it.)

(And are ya like me?  Are your imagining how he said the word “conservative”.  Con – serv – a – teeeve —like it’s four foreign words.  It’s only a wonder he didn’t say “neo-con” and mention Bush and McCain 80 times as he always does—maybe that’s because McCain and the even more “Con – serv – a – teeeve” Palin are so popular with the folks from the most powerful, the richest, the most free, most prosperous, and most comparatively conservative nation on the face of the earth, and ever in actual history).

“The words ‘fight against poverty’ have yet to cross the lips of Mr. Harper,” he said. “With this conservative ideology, Canadians are left to fend for themselves.”

Yeah nice effort at painting Canada as a poverty-ridden backwater, Monsieur Patriot.  With its rampant poverty and decrepitude, Canada is like Cuba in oh so many ways… oh wait—Cuba’s a country whose left-wing nanny-state don’t fend for yourself ideology you embrace.  Well that’s just funny. “Conservative ideology” seems to work best.  Dingbat.

Dion said a Liberal government would make Canada “richer, fairer and greener.”

Dion thinks this is a Rice Krispies commercial. 

Meanwhile, the socialist class warfare general, General Barack Hussein Olayton, is on this weird “change” theme that he picked up from out of the blue totally on his own without any help from the erstwhile evil Americans. 

Taking a page out of the U.S. election race where “change” has become a political mantra this year, Layton repeatedly promised voters his party is “working for change.”

Watch for Layton to change what’s left of his hair into an Afro and get a tan.


Joel Johannesen
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