Saturday, May 4, 2024

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Obama: “The devil is in the details”. D’oh!

I missed it because I was on vacation and swore off politics during that time, but nearly every single report I’ve read tells me McCain whacked Obama’s scrawny butt in the big Saddleback showdown “debate” (or whatever it was) last weekend.  Pastor Rick Warren (of Purpose Driven image Life fame—one of the best-selling books of all time) was the questioner, and it could easily have gone Obama’s way for that reason (Warren is a liberal).  But it didn’t.  At all. 

This is an editorial from Investor’s Business Daily:

Election ‘08: Last weekend’s McCain-Obama protodebate made it clear why Obama won’t keep his promise to debate McCain “anywhere, anytime.” McCain, with a robust resume and details at his fingertips, won big.

It was only in May that Sen. Barack Obama cockily proclaimed he would debate Sen. John McCain “anywhere, anytime.” But in June, Obama said no to McCain’s challenge to have 10 one-on-one town hall meetings.

After what happened at Lake Forest, Calif.‘s evangelical Saddleback megachurch Saturday evening, we may have found that debating is Obama’s Achilles’ heel. Whether or not you like the idea of such events being held in religious venues, the plain-and-simple method of questioning used by Saddleback pastor and best-selling author Rick Warren revealed fundamental differences between these two men.

“It’s one of those situations where the devil is in the details,” Obama said at one point. He could have been referring to his own oratorical shortcomings when a teleprompter is unavailable.


To any honest observer, the differences between John McCain and Barack Obama have been evident all along. What we saw last weekend was Obama’s shallowness juxtaposed with McCain’s depth, the product of his extraordinary life experience.

It may not have been a debate, but it was one of the most lopsided political contests in memory. No wonder Obama wants to keep debate formats boring and predictable.


Joel Johannesen
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