Thursday, May 2, 2024

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72 out of 75 Quebec Conservatives happy with Harper

.. which makes him extremely successful and popular considering how socialist, distant, and out of touch Quebec and Quebecers are with the rest of Canada. 

But four Belinda Stronach supporters from the Quebec wing of the Conservative Party (which makes them liberals, not conservatives), signed a memorandum suggesting that Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper resign, and said that “We have ample time to find a new leader before the next election.” 

Oh AMPLE time!  This wouldn’t hurt the party at all!  Golly—you’d think they were sabotaging the party!  Very Stronach-y!  And let me guess: they would surprise us all and support a new left-leaning “progressive” pro-abortion and pro-gay-marriage leader from Montreal or some other Quebec locale.  Wow!  I can’t see through these people at all!

Of course the honest old mainstream media picks up stuff like this and it trumps it up despite its obvious flaccid importance, in order to make it appear as though there’s a serious break in the Conservative Party ranks, and that it’s not worth the risk of voting for them.

As I see it, it’s a good thing these Quebec liberals who are members of the Conservative Party there have exposed themselves and have now been identified as solid liberals, for they can now be summarily ignored and allowed to peacefully quit the party in failure and frustration to join the Liberals or some other left-wing “progressive” party.

Party officials said the four people who signed the statement appeared to have supported Belinda Stronach – now a Liberal cabinet minister – in the party’s first leadership race.

Harper’s communications director said Tuesday’s statement means 72 of 75 party candidates from Quebec in the last election are satisfied with Harper’s leadership.

“In any organization – any political party – there are people who are going to be unhappy; people from time to time are unhappy,” Stairs said.

[Editor’s note: Note that in the story by ALEXANDER PANETTA of the Canadian Press, “Stairs” is not previously described, so the reader is left wondering who “Stairs” is.  It’s William Stairs, Harper’s director of communications.]

He [“Stairs”] noted that Harper received an almost 85 per cent vote of confidence from delegates to the Conservative convention earlier this year in Montreal.

Mr Panetta’s helpful report ends on this snippy, unbiased, not-at-all-anti-Conservative note: 

The summer tour was to have [see, it didn’t] warmed Harper’s cold, distant image [is that a commentary or a report?  Any quotes on that?] and drum up support going into the fall parliamentary session.

Until the Conservative Party is purged of its lingering liberals (and those who infiltrate it, like Belinda Stronach and her supporters who tried to move the party way over to the left to join the Liberals), it will never be a force for change in this country, and Canadians will see that weakness a mile away.


Joel Johannesen
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