Friday, May 17, 2024

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ABC network flashes a V sign; but the political left left the room in high dudgeon

UPDATE:  Can watch it here, maybe.

I missed the live showing of new show “V” television series on ABC last night, because I was watching the election coverage.  I’ve now watched it and I missed a goodie!  And it got huge viewer numbers, beating all the network shows in its time slot, with 14.3 million viewers.  Some are saying it is a parable about Obama and the Obamatons.  It’s no wonder ABC is already meddling with it and its writer/producer….

I liked this write-up on Andrew Breitbart’s, by James Hudnall.  (Joeltrons will be forgiven for thinking James writes a little like Joel): 

Left Lashes Out at ‘V’, Obama-Friendly ABC Purges Showrunner…

… The parable is, an attractive group of aliens show up, out of the blue, and offer universal health care, advanced technology and world peace in exchange for our trust and devotion. All we have to do is believe everything they say without question. Which means, don’t ask anything about their hidden motives or past associations because that would be racist impolite. In fact, one reporter who is offered an exclusive interview with their leader is admonished not to say anything negative or they would be denied access (Hi, Fox!).

And what do you know, the aliens are really here to eat us. And maybe even take over our car companies and banks. That part is unclear. But I’m sure they will reduce unemployment, because there will be less people looking for work. Oops, I guess “V” has nothing to do with Obama, because he sure isn’t doing well on that front. But anyhoo–

The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait was outraged by the pilot. Outraged, I say!

This is not just a right-wing worldview but the worldview of the paranoid Tea Party movement. I’m really not sure how this made it onto network television. Maybe the calculation is that Glenn Beck will start urging his viewers to watch and a ratings bonanza will ensue. (I don’t expect scientists will be the scapegoats in the new series, as the original “V” alien campaign to tar scientists as a fifth column sits uncomfortably close to the current right-wing view that the world’s leading scientific organizations are conspiring to suppress evidence that global warming is a hoax.)

Ah, it’s Glenn Beck’s fault. He’s the new W, don’t you know. The New York Times critic said “V” was unrealistic because no one would trust attractive strangers with a hidden past and motives, who told them what they wanted to hear in such a short amount of time. Yeah, right. Like that would happen.

Naturally, when a show debuts to huge ratings and mostly great reviews, the producer’s career is golden. Not this time. Apparently the network who gave Obama an infomercial and refuses to release the “Path to 9/11″ DVD decided to replace the show runner Scott Peters before the pilot even aired. In fact, ABC hosted a big visit by press people last Monday, but Peters was notably absent. Exec producer Steve Pearlman spoke with the reporters.

Peters has been demoted to exec producer, a largely honorary title and has been replaced by former “The Shield” and “Chuck” alum Scott Rosenbaum.

Was this a case of ABC purging a political dissident from the show to make it more politically subservient? ABC has been very pro-Obama. And while the president’s name is never mentioned once in the show, there’s little doubt what they’re getting at. Critics of the “V” aliens are shown to be viewed as wackos and fringe people, the same way the MSM likes to portray ordinary Americans who don’t drink the kOOl-aid. Journalists who question the motives of the V are treated like they’re “not real news”. Wink!  …

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Joel Johannesen
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