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Wisdom From the Roots - #6330

Some wise folks speaking up at the National Post today in letters to the editor, following their recent hysterical article comparing the totally irrational junk science-based envirohysteria movement to Christianity:

Re: The Green Fervour: Is Environmentalism the New Religion? Joseph Brean, Feb. 10.

When David Suzuki stated in 2002, “Rachel Carson is my great hero. She essentially directed my life,” he told us all we need to know about the quality of his science and his concern for human life. Ms. Carson’s 1962 best-seller, Silent Spring, used the worst junk science to predict that the pesticide DDT would cause “practically 100%” of the human population to die in a cancer epidemic and cause countless bird species to disappear. She was proved wrong on both counts, but so convincing was her fearmongering that several African countries banned the use of DDT despite its proven success in the struggle against malaria.

The result? Following the DDT ban, death from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa skyrocketed. Millions of deaths, mostly of children and pregnant women, and billions in lost GDP can be attributed to the abuse of science and predictive alarmism practised by Rachel Carson and her followers. Yet knowing all this, David Suzuki continues to credit Rachel Carson with setting the standard for his environmental science and alarmist crusading.

Mr. Suzuki’s doomsday predictions have proven no more accurate than those of Rachel Carson. Yet he now claims an ability to predict the most unpredictable of all earthly systems: the climate. Unless we wish to inflict the same human and economic suffering on our children that Mr. Suzuki’s mentor inflicted on the Third World, we would be well advised to let freely challenged science, not born-again Suzukian groupthink, guide our environmental policies.

Alastair Gordon, president, Canadian Coalition for Democracies, Toronto.

As a former research scientist with the Medical Research Council of Canada, I completely agree that environmentalism is becoming a new religion or at least an increasingly popular cult. My review of the science underlying the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recent report reveals surprisingly shoddy scientific methodology. I would propose that our government enact legislation recognizing environmentalism as religion, and requiring political parties and Parliament to maintain our cherished separation of church and state.

Dr. Stephen B. Sinclair, Thornhill, Ont

Global warming is now Canada’s state religion, and we have our own god, David Suzuki, who issues pronouncements with which no reporter will argue, while eco-science, taught in the public school system, is producing a generation of children who will never know the joy of real scientific discipline and method and the CBC, our state media outlet, promulgates the one true message. Even our Prime Minister is forced to bow to its influence like a 12th-century monarch genuflecting to a pope.

Me, I’m a pagan. I was brought up to believe in Nuclear Winter.

Paul Cary, Cambridge, Ont.

Canadians:  say more things like this.  I suspect there are millions of us who share our point of view.

Joel Johannesen
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