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When Obama waves his right hand around, watch his LEFT hand.

The Obama-swooning from the liberal-left media on the occasion of their Messiah’s first 100 days as president has been a good laugh, these last few days (actual fact:  to mark the occasion of his first hundred days, last night the liberal-left’s bible, the New York Times, used the rather rare, historic opportunity to ask the President some important questions on any of the several near-crises we’re currently experiencing, like what has “enchanted” him the most, so far). 

As I’ve mentioned, these 100 days have been among the worst I’ve ever seen both looking back, and worse, looking forward.  But once again, let’s get to the science (I know!  And I’m a conservative!  I’m supposed to hate the science!), and the facts, and bust a few liberal myths that will nonetheless be repeated eight zillion times by all your liberal friends, colleagues, teachers, and reporters, all stated as though they’re speaking pure science, the truth, and with their ever-present arrogance in speaking as though everyone in the room automatically agrees with them, of course. 

FACT CHECK: Obama’s Job Creation, Deficit Claims Questionable
President Obama turned the page on 100 days in office with an iffy boast about job creation and claims of fiscal prudence that are hard to square with his spending.


Barack’s in the basement
Obama is less popular than Nixon and Carter

By THE WASHINGTON TIMES | Tuesday, April 28, 2009

President Obama’s media cheerleaders are hailing how loved he is. But at the 100-day mark of his presidency, Mr. Obama is the second-least-popular president in 40 years.

According to Gallup’s April survey, Americans have a lower approval of Mr. Obama at this point than all but one president since Gallup began tracking this in 1969. The only new president less popular was Bill Clinton, who got off to a notoriously bad start after trying to force homosexuals on the military and a federal raid in Waco, Texas, that killed 86. Mr. Obama’s current approval rating of 56 percent is only one tick higher than the 55-percent approval Mr. Clinton had during those crises.

As the attached chart shows, five presidents rated higher than Mr. Obama after 100 days in office. Ronald Reagan topped the charts in April 1981 with 67 percent approval. Following the Gipper, in order of popularity, were: Jimmy Carter with 63 percent in 1977; George W. Bush with 62 percent in 2001; Richard Nixon with 61 percent in 1969; and George H.W. Bush with 58 percent in 1989.  …

The best advise from someone in the media since CTV Newsnet’s former anchor Kate Wheeler described a New York Times news report as one coming from “the left-leaning paper” (and was laid-off shortly thereafter):  when Obama is razzle-dazzling you with his right hand, maintain a solid view of his LEFT hand.  Watch him much as you would a circus clown or Vegas magician who distracts you with fiery explosions or hand gestures, while the real action is actually going on elsewhere. 


Joel Johannesen
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