Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Wal-Mart charged by union with egregious offense: They like non-union stores.

Check the wording of the union boss as he laments his union’s loss in its unionization vote at Wal-Mart in Windsor, Ontario:

Wal-Mart union rejected
UFCW charges intimidation by retail giant, wants another vote

Employees of an east Windsor Wal-Mart store rejected a union certification bid Tuesday amid allegations the retail giant and the United Food and Commercial Workers both engaged in unfair labour practices. “On this evening democracy has lost out to Wal-Mart’s intimidation,” said Michael Forman, UFCW spokesman. “The majority of the ballots cast did not constitute a majority in favour of the union.” Forman didn’t have vote result numbers available. A Wal-Mart spokesman couldn’t be reached for comment.

On Monday, Wal-Mart told the Ontario Labour Relations Board that the union is intimidating workers in its bid to organize the store.

You see, since the union lost the vote, “democracy” lost.  Perhaps they should contact Jimmy Carter.  Or get a grip.  “Democracy” did just fine and the company and employees won, the union lost.  Next.

The union complains that the company used “intimidation”.  What was the “intimidation”?  Well let’s have a peek:

“When the company chooses to put up a notice in the lunch room talking about the closure of the Jonquiere store, that is intimidating.”

Oooh!  Notices!  In the lunch room yet! Unions never do anything THAT devious! 

Then there’s this:

The UFCW says the company subtly favours anti-union employees and has frightened employees away from unions by announcing it would close a store in Jonquiere, Que., for lack of profitability shortly after employees there voted to unionize.

They subtly favour anti-union employees?  That’s outrageous!  That’s an super-outrage!  COTLER!  Ain’t this in the Charter o’ Rights?  Don’t it “flow from” it ‘r nothin?

I, on the other hand, strongly, unsubtly favour anti- and non-union employees—unsubtly, I tell you.  Voraciously.  Vociferously.  Most pronouncedly.  I love non-union employees. 

Lock. Me. Up.

Joel Johannesen
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