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U.S. Supreme Court strikes blow to justice re captured terrorist suspects

In a 5-3 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the military tribunals being planned for ten of the terror suspects held at Gitmo, captured after the 9/11 terrorist war attack on the western world —are illegal. 

It’s a major victory for liberals, because the terror suspects will now get more rights than the Americans and Canadians and others that were killed in the World Trade Towers and Pentagon attacks by Islamofascist terrorists who don’t believe in modern justice even in the least little bit.

Top court rules against Bush’s Gitmo tribunals

Updated Thu. Jun. 29 2006 10:44 AM ET News Staff

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that U.S. President George Bush overstepped his authority by holding military war crimes tribunals for inmates at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre.

Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the proposed trials violated U.S. law and the Geneva Convention.

The ruling—one of the last on the docket before the court breaks for three months—serves as a rebuke to the government’s anti-terror policies.

Two years ago, the court rejected the president’s claim that as commander-in-chief he has the authority to detain terror suspects indefinitely and deny them access to courts or lawyers. In this most recent case, the court focused on the issue of trials for some of the men.

The decision could determine the future of the controversial military tribunals.

Bush is expected to react to the ruling later on this morning.

The nation’s highest court was examining a myriad of challenges in the case of Osama bin Laden’s former chauffeur, one of 10 detainees the Bush administration wants to put before a war crimes tribunal at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay.

Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a Yemeni who was captured in Afghanistan in 2001, is charged with conspiracy to commit war crimes, murder, and terror acts against the U.S.

Human rights groups contend the tribunals, formally called military commissions, are flawed because they violate basic protections and would offer little legal protection.

The landmark ruling could effectively rein in those powers.

The ruling has been long awaited by groups such as Human Rights Watch, which has called on Bush to shut down Gitmo. […]

Apparently Article Three of the Geneva Conventions apply to al-Qaida. 

But liberals should keep their panties on.  It doesn’t mean that the suspects are innocent or will be set free.  All it means is that it will be done in a different manner.  Congress could come up with a new law to ensure that they are finally tried in a military tribunal.

Joel Johannesen
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