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“Unnamed sources” tell me liberalvision CTV pulled a fast one

Yesterday, as if to get a last-minute “dig” in before it was too late, liberalvision CTV’s web site saw fit to make an article (quoting AIDS activist and far-leftist Canadian and you’ve got to be kidding party deity Stephen Lewis, who sounds very much like a communist to me) questioning where the Conservative government was on the AIDS pledge package they promised earlier this year.  They don’t dare quote a proponent of abstinence from, say, Uganda, naturally, since that’s the only absolutely proven method of absolutely reversing the increasing spread of the disease.

Yesterday in their silly article, they even acknowledge having advance information indicating that the announcement would be made by the Conservatives today, it being “World AIDS Day”.  So why the article which includes these words?: 

Health experts and AIDS activists have been scratching their heads over the federal government’s continued silence regarding its promised funding plan to deal with the disease.

Months have passed since the government pledged, during the International AIDS conference in Toronto in August, to bring forward a plan.

[…] But the Toronto Star reported on Thursday that the announcement will come on Friday; World AIDS Day.

So why not wait until Friday?  Maybe so they could cast aspersions and spread misinformation before it was too late?  Hmm.  Let’s review. 

Yesterday, they also wrote:

According to an unnamed source, International Co-operation Minister Josee Verner will pledge $50 million to the World Health Organization over a two year period.

From an “unnamed source”.  Huh.  For those of you who don’t know, that’s code for “total BS”.  Let’s check the quality of their sources over there at the CTV:

From today’s article on the actual announcement:

Ottawa has announced a major funding boost to the fight against AIDS, committing $250 million over the next two years to battle the disease. 

[…] The government also pledged to contribute $450 million over the next 10 years to support country-led AIDS efforts in Africa.

Huh.  500 to 900 percent more than they speculated as based on their “unnamed source”. 

And hey, it’s a wonder the Liberals didn’t commit this kind of cash when AIDS was spreading like terrorism during their 13-year reign in orgasmic power.  And it further boggles the mind that the Liberal Party of Canada saw fit to establish a free condom hand-out at this weekend’s Liberal Party of Canada “convention” for their fornicating delegates, and yet as far as I know, the Liberal Party of Canada sent no free condoms to Africa or Asia to further the fornication needs on those continents. 

But there’s no such speculation from sources, named or unnamed, about that. 

(Hat tip to DC In YOW)

Joel Johannesen
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