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Two liberal media articles present a quintessential study in capitalist/socialist confusion

imageThe liberals’ Vancouver Sun today, in its lead editorial (“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”), happily promotes the notion of citizens (and government of course, since they meddle in every single aspect of our lives now) supporting venture capital enterprise—the very private enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit that (as I happily point out every chance I get) pioneered Canada and America and helped progress us into the two greatest, richest countries in the world. 

That’s fantastic. 

But then in a bout of mass brain-poo oozing confusion, on the front of their “Business” page (possibly because they lack that “Socialism” page I keep saying is so necessary in Canadian newspapers just to provide clarity, honesty, and reality), they discuss the ins and outs of maintaining the practically ancient Burrard Thermal power-generating station —a natural gas-powered electric power-generating plant. 

The so-called “corporation” named BC Hydro is the sole owner and operator of that blowhard plant.  In all honesty, then, the big nanny-state Liberal-led government of BC — the same government which feigns concern over the “man-made global warming” and forces citizens to pay an extra “greenhouse gas tax” on natural gas for our homes— is the owner. 

imageAnd so it has utterly nothing to do with “business” whatsoever.  It only has to do with socialism, big governments, and their hideously hypocrisy-ridden pitfalls —the extent to which it really seems criminal to me. 

And that’s mind-warping capitalist/socialist confusion at work today. 

And it’s by design. 

Here’s some related blog entries and columns I’ve written on this topic: 
Media, governments: blurring lines between socialism in Canada, and private enterprise (Jan 16 09)

More blurring of lines: abject socialism (state-owned and run—shhh! “corporations”); and real ones (Dec 5 08)

State-owned car insurance “company” president blasts citizen-owned “competition” for speaking out (March 16 09)

Friday Newsquips (item #2, Nov 28 08)

Joel Johannesen
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