Thursday, May 2, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Truth in advertising; liberals are against that—and here’s proof.

Ted Jacob – Canwest News Service photo in National Post

I’m glad they included the big photo in the paper, and it was nice of them to not call him a “denier” in the story at the National Post.  But on the other hand, in their story, they allowed about 180 words of direct quotes and some accompanying editorial from and about Mr. Czolgosz, who bought the sign and about whom this story was ostensibly written; and then 135 words of refutation from a guy representing the David Suzuki Foundation (and to whom they also gave the last word in the story), and whom the reporter obviously sought-out to get quotes

…Because of course nothing can be left unchallenged by liberals.  Nothing a non-liberal says can be left un-refuted, or un-contested by a liberal genius who will set us nobs straight. As always, this erstwhile story of a plain citizen speaking up ends up being used as nothing but a launch pad to tell the preferred, more correct story. 

Gore’s ‘truth’ not only one: objector

[No National Post link available unfortunately]

A retired Calgary teacher is sponsoring a downtown billboard that decries the greenhouse effect as a “huge hoax” after he was criticized for denying that humans are responsible for global warming.

Oswald Czolgosz, who believes environmental activists such as Al Gore are suppressing debate about global warming, spent about $3,000 to have a dissenting perspective publicized last week.

“I am just an individual citizen. I am not a member of any organization, any political party. I just like to read up on the facts and be informed and I got the feeling that my sources of information were being stifled,” he said.

“Finally, the other side is being heard. Consensus [about global warming] has arrived, nobody is allowed to disagree, according to Al Gore. I am pointing out there is no consensus.” 


Dale Marshall, an Ottawa-based climate change policy analyst with the David Suzuki Foundation, believes the billboard will have negligible effect.

“The climate science is quite unequivocal that climate change is happening; that its due to human activity in the form of greenhouse gas emissions and that we need to do something about it because the impact of climate change, which have already started, are going to be pretty severe.

“My take on things is based on what scientific community is saying and they’re saying overwhelmingly that [Mr. Czolgosz] is wrong.”

“If we’re going to make decisions based on science, and I would suggest that that’s probably a good idea, the scientific community is at a consensus on this. Every major scientific body in the world is saying exactly the same thing which is that climate change is man-made and that we need to worry about it.”

To liberals, we are apparently incapable of just getting the news reported to us and then deciding on our own—if the facts don’t comply with and advance their world view.  In those cases, we must be told how to think. 

Send Mr. Czolgosz emails of support:
[email protected]


Joel Johannesen
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