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Toronto Star caught in apparent beatification of their new Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama

image Pictures like this don’t happen by accident.  And they aren’t accidentally published on the front page of far-left Obama-loving Canadian newspapers.  Under the headline “Obama gives Wall Street a salary cap”.

For a bunch of secular-“progressive” fundamentalists, you’re not really all that “secular”, are you, over there at the Toronto Star division?!  But since you apparently admire angels so much, and therefore the tenet of angelic behavior, in the interest of intellectual honesty and full disclosure, the Toronto Star and others in the liberal media might want to be a tad more candid about their incredible bias.  Bias which, unless it’s fully acknowledged, insults Canadians like me and is actually pretty dangerous.  (Who do they think they are?  The CBC?)

Confess your man-crush; your idol worship (you’ll have to overlook the Commandment which says “You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth!”).  Come “out” as you liberals say.  Be “loud and proud”, etc.  Admit you’re not just reporting the news, but rather you’re also trying to sway public opinion to your left or far-left world view.  To influence public opinion.  Just say it and let Canadians — armed with that knowledge — decide things on their own.  You’re in the information business, so fully inform Canadians instead of trying to fake them out as if you think Canadians are stupid people. 

Svend RobinsonAt least the disgraced former MP from the you’ve got to be kidding party, Svend Robinson — another one of their icons or prophets — had the balls to come right out of the closet and proclaim his pride in being an overt homosexual, a confessed jewel thief, a man with problems, and of course an outright socialist —and to somehow wear it all like a badge of honor (with the fawning support of the Canadian media who made it plain to me that they thought of him as nothing short of an angel from the Secular-“Progressive” Heaven, Atheist Division).

The far-left Toronto Star should take after their prophets like Robinson and learn from them.  They could, for example, carry the words across their Toronto Star banner, like, “We are a socialist agenda-driving medium which, while we claim to be a solid source of news, we actually also try to sway public opinion in favor of leftists as best we can, all day long, sometimes by cheap psycho-propaganda methods like publishing photos of leftist political heroes with halos behind them, because we think you’re totally stupid.  Therefore, please read everything we publish through that prism, assuming you can read at all.”  This is just a suggestion.  They could also play on the word “Star” and stick one of those big red stars on their banner.

Joel Johannesen
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