Friday, July 26, 2024

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TAKING BETS: Will CBC report this?—Wal-Mart sales up—even ahead of their own expectations

The “experts” predicated a 1.1 percent rise in sales for January.  I think the CBC probably predicted a “we won’t cover it or anything that stinks of success in capitalism;  only corporate layoffs and losses, their executives’ salaries, and yummy government “solutions””.  But we’ll see. 

NEW YORK (AP)—Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer, said Thursday that same-store sales rose 2.1 percent in January…

On their oxymoronic “YOUR BUSINESS” segment on the socialism-reliant CBC’s Newsworld channel, over the screaming banner “RETAIL WOES”, the business reporter covers the retail news.  Here’s how:  She re-reported old retail news—previously reported on the CBC—about the Macy’s’ layoffs, and mentioned other un-named retailers and “slashed” sales.  Then she actually mentioned Wal-Mart, but like a real CBC expert reporter, managed to do it without… well look: I just can’t make this crap up.  Here’s exactly what she reported in full (don’t forget it was over that banner “RETAIL WOES”):


CBC business reporter Louise Martin:  “Well American shoppers continue to cut back on spending in January which SLASHED sales for retailers!  Macy’s reported a 4½ percent drop in sales for the month.  Earlier in the week, the department store announced it was CUTTING some 4,000 jobs!  Many retailers are reporting sales numbers today even LOWER than LOW expectations!  Teen and children’s clothing stores were hit ESPECIALLY hard last month!  And Wal-Mart says though January sales actually exceeded its expectations but also says it will stop giving a monthly forecast because it’s simply too difficult these days to predict consumer behavior!

She purposely neglected to mention that not only did Wal-Mart exceed expectations, sales ROSE by 2.1 percent in January.  Oh I know that makes their “RETAIL WOES” banner looks so stupid, and it might encourage people generally instead of fostering the apparently continuing effort to make people hate capitalism and think it’s all falling apart (or something), but they really should not misinform you by an omission of salient facts, about the world’s biggest retailer, in these times. 

In the 9:29 AM PT and 10:25 AM PT versions of the “YOUR BUSINESS” segment, CBC reporter Louise Martin by-passed the previously missed opportunity to properly inform you that Wal-Mart sales were up 2.1 percent in January, and simply re-worded her preferred version of facts, as transcribed above.  She and/or the CBC chose to do this.  Again.  You simply have to think about this for a bit. 

TAKING BETS Part IV:  Will CBC report it? Boston Pizza reports strong 2008 growth including 4th qtr

TAKING BETS Part III:  Will CBC report it? Intel to invest $7 billion in manufacturing…

TAKING BETS Part II:  Will CBC report it? McDonald’s sales up 7% in January, along with Wal-Mart



Joel Johannesen
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