This is alarming. By that I mean the Tories are cutting funding to too few things like this.
Tories Cut Funding to Unity Council
Josh Pringle
Friday, March 17, 2006Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon says the Canadian Unity Council doesn’t have a place in the Conservative’s vision of open federalism.
The federal government is cutting support to the council.
The organization, founded in 1964, receives 80 per cent of its budget from the government.
Its mandate is to promote Canadian federalism by organizing activities and financing studies through its subsidiary.
I think it’s a fabulous idea to cut funding to this organization. Why? Let me count the ways:
1. I’ve never heard of it, ever.
2. I don’t know who they are, no, not even remotely.
3. The name doesn’t ring a bell with me, at all.
4. I’m not familiar with this organization whatsoever.
5. The Canadian what now?
6. They obviously haven’t done any good at all whatsoever.
7. They get 80% of their funding from the state, proving an almost total lack of citizen support.
8. …And I’m sure y’all can think of more reasons…
(Hat tip to John again)
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