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THE WORLD IS RACIST! World rejects Obama and he and Michelle’s big Chicago Olympics push

Drudge offers same wording on his pageIn the first round of voting at the supreme headquarters of the global government games (cutely called The Olympics), the global leaders immediately dumped Chicago off the list, giving it the least number of votes of all the competing cities. 

The Obama-swooning news media of the world is shocked out of their gourds. It’s one of the most hilarious displays I’ve ever witnessed. 

INSERTED UPDATE (8:40 AM):  I added the screen shot of Drudge’s headline because it was worded much like mine, but (and this might win the PTBC Headline of the Week Award), I also loved his “THE EGO HAS LANDED” addendum.

This, after President Obama swooped into town aboard Air Force One and its fleet of eight accompanying aircraft, and Michelle flew in on a separate Boeing 757 aircraft, simply to give speeches, in anticipation that in so doing, he and her would utterly woo the world with their fabulous fashion style, their awesome “grace” and “smarts” and “intelligence” and “communications mastery” and “salesmanship” and of course allow the “global love” to work its magic.  They were apparently total failures in every conceivable way.

Obviously, the world is racist.

Or, perhaps he simply didn’t use his teleprompter. 

(A shiny trinket in any case):

I had to give Drudge his well-earned due for the above-mentioned “THE EGO HAS LANDED”.  Classic.

Matt Drudge and the Drudge report, Winner
October 3, 2009


I would have gone with “O-LIMP-icky FAILURE”

The Globe and Mail is in high dudgeon after their man lost the bid for Chicago.  Yesterday, their headline (possibly in anticipation of a massive win for the Obamas and their Chicago push), declared that the bid literally “hinged” on the Obama “oratory” magic and his the Obama aura.  But today, after they lost it, they say “Chicago lost” it.  You can’t have it both ways, cheaters.  YOU LOSE.

Yesterday: It’s all about the Obama magic!  It “hinges” on them!

Today: Oh hang on —“Chicago” lost it!

Countdown to the media blaming it on George Bush and the lingering “he wrecked America’s image in the world” effect:  5… 4… 3…

UPDATE (9:57AM):
Drudge has switched it up and put “THE EGO HAS LANDED” atop the rest.  Probably because of my award.  Yup.  That’s why.  Uh huh. That’s what I’m goin’ with.  Have a nice day!

UPDATE (10:45AM):
Changed again!  And this time, possibly playing on the farcical messianic complex that Obama and his followers similarly suffer from, Drudge changes the picture from Obama to the grand Christ the Redeemer statue for which the winning city, Rio de Janeiro, is known, being struck by lightning.  Beautiful. 


From: Bruce Y
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: Olympics

They just announced on radio that Chicago is OUT after the 1st round of voting for the 2016 Olympics.

I rushed to the TV and tuned into CNN…..the announcer is completely SHOCKED….SHOCKED.

I guess this now makes Obama look bad..!!!……….His magic just isn’t working.

The spin has already started as the CNN announcer then said it was “probably a blessing in disguise”.

Who will be the 1st to blame Bush…..or will it be down to racism..???

All I know is it’s made my day.

Rush will be on in 2 minutes….i can’t wait to hear his take on it.



From: Dan C
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 1:30 PM
Subject: OOOOlympics

Hi Joel. I hope the new puppy is keeping you busy but entertained.

I just wanted to drop you line and say that today is my birthday and the best birthday present was the loss of the Olympic bid by the messiah and the Big Oprah. How sweet the Obamas and Oprah were the first cut. I can’t stop smiling.

Rush was absolutely giddy today. Just think of all those crooked leftist real estate investors waiting to take advantage of this and getting stung. I hope they’ve already started spending the money they won’t be getting.

This is just so sweet on so many levels.

I share in the joy.  Obama’s self-centered, hubristic, ego-driven, wrong-headed and ill-timed display of increasingly tangled and knotted plumage, utterly humiliated by his own.

And new puppy.

And it’s Friday.


UPDATE (1:53PM) changes their front, possibly to allow for coverage of the fact that The Big O’s “health care” “reforms” are failing (even more), today.  I don’t know if this was intended as a double entendre or not, but I like it. 

UPDATE (Saturday Oct. 3 10:43AM):
Thanks to Cameron C for sending this along, from Gateway Pundit:

And, of course, it’s all Bush’s fault.
CMR reported:

Senator Rowland Burris of Illinois, the Senator who was appointed to fill President Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, blames George Bush for Chicago not getting the Olympics in 2016. Burris stated in an interview, shortly after the announcement, that the image of the U. S. has been so tarnished in the last 8 years that, even Barack Obama making an unprecedented pitch for the games could not overcome the hatred the world has for us as a result of George Bush. Wow! When will the Democrats in Congress ever get off this “Blame Bush” syndrome. Burris even went on to say that this is just another way Bush is now hurting Chicago. Yes blame Bush, don’t mind all the crime and corruption that has come out of Illinois over the last year. This “Blame Bush” strategy is getting pretty old. 

Burris was not the only one.
Swimmer Rowdy Gaines also blamed Bush after the rejection.

Joel Johannesen
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