Sunday, May 19, 2024

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The Obama Apology Tour continues: Hillary Clinton apologizes to India for American “mistakes”

The Obama administration is still on the apology tour, with Hillary Clinton in India, now carrying the sorry water for a besieged and ever so sorry President Barack Obama, who’s back at home for once, ironically not apologizing to Americans for his failed “stimulus” plans, his destined-for-failure “health care” plans, his cap and tax plans, his taking over of major industries, the inevitable, massive tax increases he promised not to procure, and more massive mistakes, all of which may well bankrupt his own nation and cause hardship for Americans born and unborn, for decades to come, and which have in any case steered America onto a very bad path —a path which most Americans agree is the wrong path

MUMBAI, India — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton opened a three-day visit to India on Saturday by urging India not to repeat American mistakes in contributing to global pollution, and she passionately defended U.S. demands for help in fighting terrorism.

“We acknowledge now with President Obama that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem that we face with climate change,” she said. “We are hoping a great country like India will not make the same mistakes.”

news item, July 18, 2009

Clinton didn’t apologize for the fact that a huge chunk of the population of India works for American firms, thus enriching them beyond what they’ve been able to do on their own;  nor that so many Indians enjoy those American products and services which cause all that “man-made global warming”;  nor did she apologize for all the enterprising American ingenuity which has spurned the most productive, most scientifically advancing and most freedom-inducing era in all of human history;  nor did she apologize for Americans and their habit of coming up with most of the cures for diseases, medical breakthroughs, the world’s best medical care and amazing treatments, and simple hope;  nor did she apologize for America’s ongoing effort to spread freedom and democracy and to end tyranny and oppression around the world, nor for the American propensity to protect and defend countries of the world from terror and rogue regimes and to constantly intercede between countries to avoid escalating conflict. 

But by golly, I’m so glad she expressed her apology that in the process of doing all of that, America caused some damn pollution. 

What a mistake. 


Joel Johannesen
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