Monday, May 6, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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The National Post’s Daily Hillarack… is no more

image  No no no!  Not “Obama cuts ties with fiery pastor”, it’s “Obama BS’s America! Again!” 

The media’s chickens….. have come HOME!…… to ROOST!…..

At left is an article in the National Post today.  It’s pretty tiny considering it’s about what could possible be the undoing of that leftist, double-talking, elitist, stammering lecturer of vacuous epithets (spoken v-e-r-y…  s-l-o-w…. l-y!) against all that is normal, capitalist America, particularly that dastardly white America, Barack Hussein Obama. 

Remember when I used to post my nearly daily National Post Daily Hillaracks, in which I exposed the National Post’s infatuation with both their The Great Obama and Hillary The Magnificent?  They (all all mainstream media, really) would have almost daily, huge, sometimes half-page big, gleaming, smilin’, glamor photos of both of those two liberals in their pages—sometimes several photos and stories—nearly always excessively fawning, positive stories (while coverage of Republican John McCain focused on how “old” he is and and how “untrustworthy” he is, and the photos were usually dismal). 

And I mean those Daily Hillarack photos were huge, baby!  The stories encompassing them were of course even huger by aesthetic necessity.  Alas the stories were about nothing.  Exactly like his speeches.  (The stories were about his speeches, so what could you expect?) 

Those were good times. 

Lately, and particularly today when you’d expect a huge mea culpa if not at least a full-color photo of a downtrodden Obama, possibly even properly calling him “untrustworthy” …and perhaps questioning his character or judgment (—nah… too radical!) there is no photo of the forlorn Obama giving his latest pulsating slo-mo BS speech to the masses yesterday (I provided one for you at right… you’re welcome).  No photo of his depressed handlers and PR magicians, nor of the dearth of his erstwhile clapping and cheering throngs of carefully staged Obamatons (one of which would mysteriously faint at each and every rally for a while there!  It was ever so exciting!).  Not even a file photo of Obama standing grandly—posing—in front of the White House (on a sunny day) for the fawning media who never asked him one serious question, or that really great one of him slipping out of the waves in Hawaii with his shirt off, refreshed and ready to re-tackle the problem of all the homeless in America and the even bigger problem of all those rich successful folks in America.

And the same with their Hillary The Magnificent.  The phony shine has been taken off those two, now that approximately three serious questions have finally been asked of them by the media, simply out of embarrassment. 


It should be noted that Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes first questioned Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church back in early 2007 —that’s well over a year ago, and Reverend Wright himself was interviewed and critically questioned by Hannity in March 2007 (see video below).  Hannity in particular hasn’t let up about him since then. 

Therefore it took the mainstream media about a YEAR before they even remotely cottoned onto the Reverend Wright revelations and Obama’s intimate connection to him.

I should say, it took the mainstream media that long to finally admit there’s a problem which they could no longer cover up or sweep under the carpet—you know, EXACTLY like Barack Hussein Obama has been doing with his mentor Jeremiah Wright, radical left-wing hate monger for the past number of years. 

2007 YouTube videos from Fox News Channel’s Hannity and Colmes – about that church – interview with Wright in March 2007


image The Canwest newspaper Vancouver Sun today takes the liberal media Obama-butt-kissing HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL cake du jour.  After a year of glowing fabu-accounts of their Great Obama, day after day in huge articles and photos, this is how they present the story —in one of those teeny tiny almost impossible to notice little “In Brief” pseudo-articles. 

This would be a joke if it weren’t so emblematic of serious liberal-left media bias.

Joel Johannesen
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