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The National Post’s Daily Hillarack and Da Dion for Monday, March 4 2008

image Today’s National Post Hillarack and Da Dion has a bannerish feel to it, since they placed their Hillary The Magnificent and The Great Obama (as well as Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion) on their many different banners today instead of simply splashing their photos and stories all over their paper, as they do almost every single day (in the absence of any positive coverage of any Republican of course).

Actually, as you can see at above left, they did manage to splash a huge photo of The Great Obama in there too (oh thank God).  Not sure what the significance of his tie flyin’ in the wind is, but maybe it’s to indicate that he and his fortunes are flyin’ like a birdy down from heaven!  (Perhaps a purdy little puffin birdy!)

Below, we find the Liberal Frenchman in his (and the NP’s) favorite spot: right over the world CANADA in their CANADA section banner, which serves to firmly associate DION with CANADA, repeatedly, many times per week, until you damn well accept it.  This time, he’s not covering the DA in CANADA as I prefer it, but rather, the ironic artful effect in my little noggin is that “Canada” isn’t complete as a result of Dion’s big noggin blocking it. 

Next we have the NEWS banner, showing that apparently, Hillary is running.  We understand that from previous coverage in the NP.  Hillary and Obama are both running as I now understand it excruciatingly clearly.  No Republicans are running, however, or if they are, they’re “old” | and | “can’t be trusted”. 

And here we have the world as the NP sees it:  It’s Barack Obamaworld
(You could see this as reading “WORI” as in worry).

And finally, we have another pro-Hillary photo.  It isn’t “God’s country” anymore, it’s Barack Obamaworld (above), and now “Clinton country”, and she will face “Judgment Day” today.  By golly it’s a holy liberal “progressive” universe.

Joel Johannesen
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